How to Clean an Instant Pot

Over time, your slow cooker (and any pressure cooker) is bound to get so dirty that you’ll need more than the standard daily cleaning. If you notice more dirt than usual, here’s how to thoroughly clean every part of your stove, including the inner pan and steam grate, lid and base.

How to Clean the Inner Pot and Instant Pot

Of course, according to the manufacturer, the inner pot and steam rack are dishwasher safe (unlike the base of the unit), but over time you may start to notice water stains on the stainless steel. You can remove them with a cleanser such as Bar Keepers Friend ; Make sure the cleaner you choose is non-abrasive and ideally designed for pots and pans. If you want a more natural alternative, scrub water stains with a sponge soaked in lemon juice, but make sure the sponge is soft. Do not use hard brushes or steel wool as they may damage the stainless steel.

If you notice bluish or rainbow stains inside the pan caused by minerals or salt from your food and water, fill it with white vinegar. Leave for five minutes, pour out and rinse the pan.

How to Clean the Instant Pot Lid

The lid is also dishwasher safe, but there’s a catch: first remove the O-ring and protective shield. The shield and ring itself are also dishwasher safe, so add them separately (or just hand wash with warm, soapy water), but don’t put them back in the lid until they’re completely dry.

While the lid is being washed, you can wipe the edge of the pan with a damp sponge or cloth. If anything is stuck tightly or caught in the tiny grooves, gently remove the debris with an old toothbrush.

How to clean the bottom of a multicooker

The base, or large outer shell, is the only part of the slow cooker that cannot be washed in the dishwasher. To clean it, first unplug it and remove all components including the lid, steam rack and inner pan.

Wipe the outside surface with a damp cloth, being careful not to get too much water on the buttons or electrical parts. If there are splashes or other contaminants inside, use the same method, but once you’re done, be sure to dry it completely with a fresh cloth and don’t put anything back together until it’s dry.

Once everything is completely dry, you can reassemble the machine, but double check the vent and float valves for any debris that may have gotten stuck there during the wash, as clogs could affect the cooker pressure the next time you use the cooker. use it.

Finally, when not in use, try to keep the Instant Pot lid upside down to prevent the components, especially the O-ring, from retaining odors. After use, always let the lid dry in the same way. The ring is made of porous silicone, so it absorbs odors over time. Having several rings on hand and using each for specific types of food—salty and sweet, for example—is a good idea, but you should always replace each ring every 18 to 24 months or if you notice any cracks or warping.


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