How Graphene Batteries Could Revolutionize Cordless Power Tools

Cordless tools have made strides over the past few years as batteries become more advanced, smaller, and lighter. Lithium-ion batteries are gradually increasing their capacity and operating time, while simultaneously decreasing in size and weight. But there’s a new material on the cordless tools market: graphene, a lightweight material that’s changing the battery game.

Graphene is a nanomaterial

The basic structure of graphene is a single layer of carbon atoms that are distributed in a hexagonal shape to form a film. It is so thin that it is almost two-dimensional, and due to its shape it is highly conductive of both heat and electricity. Its unique shape makes it extremely durable for its thickness. Graphene batteries are used in a variety of projects, from electric vehicles to NASA’s flight program.

Graphene batteries charge faster and can power larger tools

Because graphene is highly conductive, adding it to a traditional lithium-ion battery can reduce charging time by three times. Graphene is 100 times more conductive than copper, which gives you some idea of ​​how much faster charging can become with graphene. This means you’ll need fewer batteries since you won’t have to wait long to charge one if you’re working on a large project. This technology could make cordless tools more practical even for larger projects.

Because the material allows for faster charging, it also allows for faster discharge, meaning graphene batteries can provide enough power for larger tools that use more power. Using a battery-powered chainsaw or a concrete drill that runs for more than an hour may become a reality in the near future. Cordless tools that are already popular, such as sanders and drills, could benefit from increased torque.

Graphene batteries have a longer lifespan

The increased efficiency of graphene batteries also means longer battery life, allowing you to go for hours on a single charge. Imagine using tools in the shop until lunch, then charging your batteries during your lunch break and using them for the rest of the day. Graphene batteries are also more heat-resistant, allowing them to last longer without overheating.

Where to find tools with graphene batteries

At the moment, the only manufacturer on the market for tools with graphene batteries is CAT. Their 18-volt graphene battery can be purchased at Lowe’s for $169.99. Since these batteries are currently only compatible with CAT tools, you will need cordless tools from this brand to take advantage of this technology. The good news is that graphene batteries are CAT 1 For All compatible, so they will work with most existing CAT tools you may have.

Disadvantages of graphene batteries

Because graphene is a relatively new material, the batteries are more expensive—almost twice as expensive as traditional lithium-ion batteries. There are currently a limited selection of tools that will work with current batteries, and if you don’t already have a wireless CAT system, you’ll have to replace any tools you have with the new graphene CAT batteries.

What to expect in the future

As technology matures, graphene will likely become more accessible to a wider range of wireless tools. Rumor has it that some other major cordless tool brands are working on graphene batteries for their tools, so keep an eye out for those in the near future. As the technology becomes more affordable, graphene batteries should also become more affordable.


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