You Can Now Create AI-Generated Images for Free on Google Bard

Those using the free version of Google Bard, Google’s AI chatbot and ChatGPT competitor , will now be able to use another ChatGPT-like feature: AI image generation.

Just last week , Google added the ability to create images in Google Bard, making it extremely easy to connect and tell the chatbot exactly what you want to see. The system uses Gemini Pro and Google’s Imagen 2 model to create images, which means you can expect a decent balance between quality and speed. Google claims that Bard should provide “photorealistic results” whenever you use it, although the quality definitely varies in my experience.

How to Create Images in Google Bard

Creating images in Google Bard is like telling it to take an image for you. All you have to do is go to the Bard website and type in “create image” or “create image” and then add the image you want to see.

Photo: Google/Joshua Hawkins

The results of these hints can vary, as with any AI generation system, and sometimes it takes a little tweaking to find the perfect hint for what you want the chatbot to create. But with a little patience, you can usually get decent results. Google’s Imagen 2 system is impressive even when compared to other image generation models we’ve seen, such as Midjourney . What makes Google Bard’s image generation especially nice is that it usually offers several different styling options for each invitation, reducing the amount of back and forth.

It’s worth noting that none of the images you create using Google Bard will qualify as “man-made” not only due to their quality, but also due to the inclusion of Google SynthID , which embeds a digital watermark into the pixels to help demonstrate if the image is created by artificial intelligence.


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