Why Your Tap Water Is Cloudy (and Why It Matters)

Imagine the perfect glass of water. There may be ice in it, or perhaps a slice of lemon or lime, but regardless of the variations, it’s probably safe to say that the water in that glass is clear and not cloudy. While cloudy tap water will usually clear on its own and, as a result, is rarely a cause for concern, it can be a symptom of a larger plumbing problem. Or it just might have to do with where the water in your home comes from.

Why is my tap water cloudy?

To figure out what exactly is causing your tap water to become cloudy, start by determining whether it’s a problem with just the water from one specific faucet or with all the faucets in your home.

Cloudy water from one tap

Cloudy water limited to the only faucet in your home is most likely due to the aerator on the faucet, says Roy Barnes, a plumber for about 30 years and co-owner of Service Force Plumbing in Rockville, Maryland. To find out, remove the aerator from the end of the faucet (most are on/off, but others require a small wrench) and plunge it into a glass of white vinegar for about five minutes to remove mineral deposits or other contaminants. You can remove any stubborn stains with an old toothbrush. When the aerator is clean , rinse it and reinsert it into the faucet. Then open the tap. If the water coming out of it is no longer cloudy, then the culprit has been found.

Cloudy water from several taps

When cloudy water comes out of multiple faucets in your home, Mark Collins, a fifth-generation plumber and CEO of 1-800-Plumber + Air, recommends filling a clean glass with water and letting it sit.

If the water becomes clear

If the water clears quickly, you will realize that the cloudiness was actually tiny air bubbles. These bubbles rise to the top of the glass and then escape into the air, leaving the water in the glass crystal clear.

So how did the bubbles get there? “You probably have air left in your plumbing,” says Collins. This can happen for several reasons, including low outside temperatures. Cold water can contain more oxygen than warm water and may appear cloudy for a few seconds due to the extra air, Barnes said. Another more important explanation. He says your water pressure may be too high.

Your home has a pressure reducing valve (PRV) that reduces the high pressure water from your supplier to a safe pressure for your home plumbing system. If the pressure is so high that your tap water becomes cloudy, Barnes says, it can cause other problems in your home, such as shortening the life of appliances designed to operate at lower pressures. According to Barnes, this is something for which all but the most competent DIYers should call a licensed plumber—both to check the water pressure and to replace the PRV if necessary.

If the water is not purified

According to Barnes, the two most common reasons for tap water not clearing when left to sit are hard water that contains a lot of dissolved particles and a water heater that needs to be flushed .

If only warm or hot tap water is cloudy, there is a good chance that sediment has accumulated at the bottom of the water heater and needs to be emptied or flushed. This should be done annually to avoid high utility bills and reduce wear and tear inside the water heater, Barnes says.

If hard water is the problem, Barnes recommends calling a professional plumber or filtration company to test your water and then install the appropriate softener and/or filter.

When is cloudy tap water a cause for concern?

If the cloudiness is brown, appears milky, or doesn’t go away after flushing the water heater or testing the water, Barnes and Collins recommend calling a professional to make sure it’s safe.


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