You Can Now Pin Messages in WhatsApp Group Chats

Group chats can get chaotic, and that’s what makes group chats fun. But there are times when you wish you didn’t have to scroll up 100+ posts to find what you’re looking for: where and when you’re meeting for lunch, who’s bringing what to a potluck dinner, etc. That’s where the ability to pin a message to the top can be a snag. And if you are a WhatsApp user, you can finally try it for yourself.

With the new feature, anyone in a group chat can pin a message so it stays at the top of the chat. This means that each chat participant can decide which message deserves this honor. Because the rollout is slow, it may take a couple of days for this feature to appear, so keep checking back if you don’t see it yet.

How to pin a message in a WhatsApp group chat

You can pin any message, even a poll, to the top of the chat.

How to Pin a WhatsApp Message on Android

  1. Touch and hold the message you want to pin to select it.

  2. Click “Menu” at the top to view your options.

  3. Select “Pin” and choose how long the post will remain pinned to the top. Currently, you can choose 24 hours , 7 days (default), or 30 days . When the time expires, the message will be unpinned.

How to pin a WhatsApp message on iPhone

  1. Touch and hold the message you want to pin to select it.

  2. Click “More” in the context menu.

  3. Select Pin and decide how long you want it to stay on top – 24 hours , 7 days (default) or 30 days . When the time expires, the message will be unpinned.

And of course, you can tap on a pinned message to unpin it at any time.

The feature is part of a spate of new WhatsApp features that have arrived in recent months – all things that really should have been part of the app for years. In addition to pinning, you can now edit your messages , send disappearing voicemails , and send photos in original quality .

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