How to Recycle All Types of Materials Leftover From Your DIY Projects

Whether you’re renovating yourself or just working on some projects around the house, you’ll find that waste can add up quickly. While it may seem like the easiest thing to do is simply throw the waste away, some waste does not go in the trash, some should not be thrown in the trash for safety reasons, and some waste can be reused for something else. Here are some ways to safely recycle your waste, depending on the type of material.


Metal scraps can sometimes be sent to municipal recycling if you have any. Check your local regulations to see what types of materials are accepted. For scrap metal that cannot be sent to the service department, you can run a scrap metal bucket. Dispose of removed screws, unused parts, scraps of steel, copper and other bare metal into a bin; when it’s full, take it to your local scrap yard. If your bucket is full enough, you might even get some money for it. If you have usable parts that someone else might need, you can sometimes donate them to a local reuse center, which will sort and resell your nuts, bolts and unused screws at a discount to other enterprising DIYers. When I taught in a workshop, I often used scrap parts to teach students how to use screwdrivers and other tools, because in this situation the size of the part doesn’t matter as much as the technique. If you have a large amount of metal left over from an HVAC repair or other major job, you may want to consider using professional recycling services in your area.


Wood scraps can quickly accumulate in your home shop, and unless you plan to reuse them for something else, they can take up a lot of space. To recycle them, you can start by offering larger, higher-value scraps to local resale groups through social media. This way you can even contribute a small amount of pocket money and know you’re fueling the local DIY community. If you would prefer to have your waste disposed of as quickly as possible, you can donate your recyclable waste to recycling centers. For larger volumes of scrap, some of these businesses even offer curbside pickup so you don’t have to make the trip. Unnecessary waste can also be recycled as mulch. Some municipalities have public mulching facilities, but if they don’t, you can probably find a private company that will be happy to take your spoiled wood waste for a small fee. Small, untreated wood scraps can be added to compost and will eventually decompose like any other organic material.


If you’re an upholsterer or working on other home decor items, you may end up with extra fabric that you don’t need. In most cases, recycling leftover fabric is as easy as recycling old clothes. You can drop them off at most charities that accept clothing donations, and anything that doesn’t sell will be donated to a textile recycling plant. You can also offer fabric scraps in local free groups—some even have dedicated pages just for crafts—and you’ll often meet fellow crafters in the process.


Recycling tiles can be challenging, but there are several retailers that operate tile take-back programs where you can recycle your excess tile scraps. As for other options, some reuse centers accept unused tiles for resale to other DIY home remodelers, and you can always offer them to local resale groups to see if you can find takers. You can also reach out to local craft and community programs to see if anyone needs extra material for their projects. Since tiles often can’t be thrown into the regular trash due to their weight, you may have to pay to have them picked up if you can’t find a way to recycle or reuse them.


You may have already realized that almost any excess material can be recycled or reused by someone, if possible. If you have leftovers or scrap metal, you can often find a home for it outside of the junkyard, at no cost to you. Find local recycling groups near you, build relationships with local community groups and post on social media offering your waste – this will help you recycle your waste for free or cheap.


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