You Can Make Your Artificial Christmas Tree More Real

Artificial Christmas trees are one of the greatest achievements of modern man. Stored in a box somewhere for most of the year, they emerge as green and fresh as ever ( with a little cleaning ), without sticky sap, unwanted pests or the need for regular watering. But an artificial tree can often look a little artificial. If you want your completely fake tree to give the illusion that you went out on a snowy night and cut it down (or bought it from a local church parking lot), there are a few steps you need to follow.

Flap your artificial tree

The most effective thing you can do with your artificial tree is to fluff up the branches. After spending almost a year in a box stored in the basement or attic, it will look quite flat and mangled. Spend some time shaping the wire branches, either by carefully bending them upward (to imitate a real tree seeking the sun) or by following the ” two out, one up ” method, which alternates branches to eliminate gaps. It’s best to work in sections from the bottom up and achieve a sophisticated, delicate look—no 90-degree angles.

Fill in the gaps

If, after a good fluffing, your tree still looks sparse and Charlie Brown-like, fill in the gaps to hide the metal core. To give it a more realistic fullness, you can use a variety of materials:

  • Pine garland . Find a garland that matches the needle style of your artificial tree. It doesn’t have to be a perfect match because you’ll be inserting it into empty spaces on the tree .

  • Matte green tinsel. Any tinsel that matches the look of your tree will do, especially if it is flat, matte and looks more realistic than shiny, plastic ones.

  • Real branches and/or pine cones. If you have access to actual scraps from real trees (people who sell Christmas trees will sometimes give away their leftovers if you ask nicely), strategically inserting them into your artificial tree can really change its appearance.

Hide the tree stand

One easy way to make your artificial tree look more real is to sell the illusion by making it look “planted.” Instead of an industrial metal tree stand, place the tree in a planter or basket, fill it with something light and bulky like bubble wrap or blankets, and then cover it with branches, pinecones and other plant debris to create the illusion. soil. If that’s too much trouble, hiding the stand in a pot or large bucket will still add to the overall ambiance.

Bury the lights of your trees

One of the key tricks to help your tree look more real and magical is to push the light very deep into the branches. This will enhance the illusion of fullness and depth and create interesting shadows that will hide the fact that your needles are plastic and your branches are metal.

Add fragrance to your tree

Finally, make your artificial tree smell real. Scent is a powerful emotional trigger, and the smell of a real Christmas tree is etched into our collective holiday memories. Your artificial tree probably smells like plastic if it smells like anything, so giving it a subtle pine scent will go a long way in selling your illusion.

You can buy scented ornaments that you discreetly hang on your tree, constantly creating the ambiance of a real tree, or you can spray your tree with a pine-scented spray that will make it smell just like a real tree, filling your entire home. with an invisible festive mood. Just don’t overdo it—start with a few quick sprays and give it a few minutes to settle into your home before adding a second round.


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