Best Black Friday Deals on Treadmills and Walking Mats

A treadmill can be a big investment, but it seriously pays off when you need to run in the winter or do cardio without having to babysit. Luckily, Black Friday 2023 will bring great deals on treadmills, as well as walking mats if you want to exercise while you work. Here are some of the best deals I’ve spotted.

Bowflex T10 is 46% off.

The Bowflex T10 treadmill features a 10-inch touchscreen that allows you to display personalized workouts or stream entertainment. (You’ll need a JRNY membership to enjoy coach-led workouts, but the treadmill’s basic features don’t require it. The first two months are free.) The settings will allow you to reach speeds of up to 12 mph and a 15% incline.

NordicTrack Commercial X32i – $500 off.

This commercial-grade treadmill has top-notch features: a 32-inch touchscreen, built-in fans to keep you cool while you run, and incline settings ranging from -6% (yes, downhill ) to a whopping 40%. With an iFit membership, you can also enjoy coach-led workouts with automatic incline and resistance adjustments.

Echelon’s Stride-S is 40% off.

Echelon’s Stride-S has an automatic folding feature for storage, but unlike some folding treadmills, which we’ll talk about in a minute, the Stride-S is a real treadmill that can handle up to 10% incline and 12 mph speeds ( it’s a 5 hour mile).

This Sperax walking pad costs under $200.

Walking mats are similar to mini treadmills , and this is a classic of the genre. It only operates at walking speed (0.6 to 3.8 mph) and has no grab handles—ideal if you want something to put under your desk so you can take a few steps while you work.

WalkingPad C1 20% off

Maybe you’d prefer the original WalkingPad? The characteristics of the C1 are similar to the budget model Sperax described above, only it operates at walking speed. But this walking pad folds in half for better concealment and includes foot controls (walk more on the front of the mat to speed it up, and on the back to slow it down).

The SuperFit 2 in 1 treadmill is almost 50% off.

A hybrid of a walking pad and a treadmill, this SuperFit can reach speeds of up to 7.5 mph, which works out to about 8 minutes per mile. You can use it at your desk in walking mode or fold the handlebar into position to use it for jogging.


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