You Can Remove This Watermark From Reddit Images

Every time you save an image from the Reddit app , it adds a big, nasty watermark to the image that includes the subreddit where the image is posted. At best, this extra border is an annoying ad from Reddit. In the worst case, it will reveal the embarrassing subreddit you were browsing in the first place. You may not even notice until it’s too late because it’s too easy to share an image on Reddit without seeing that watermark.

Sure, it’s a good marketing ploy for Reddit, but not for you. It’s also a little expensive for a site to watermark content created for free by its users. Removing the watermark manually using software like Photoshop is a bit of a headache given how intrusively placed it is, but there is an easy way to stop Reddit from ruining every image you save.

How to Prevent Reddit from Adding Watermarks to Saved Images

The Reddit app has a rather obscure setting that allows you to remove watermarks from saved images. To find it, open the Reddit app and tap the profile icon in the top right corner. Click Settings at the bottom of the screen. Now scroll down and turn off saved image attribution .

The next time you save an image, Reddit won’t add a watermark. This will also allow you to save images in higher quality, since the watermark degrades the image quality slightly. (Another good reason to disable this feature.) However, you should be aware that updating the Reddit app sometimes resets this setting, so you may need to disable it again periodically. If this bothers you, you can always take a screenshot of the image on your iPhone or Android phone . This way, you can always bypass the annoying Reddit watermark.


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