Welcome to the New Lifehacker

Earlier this year, I shared a new vision for Lifehacker, as well as a lofty personal goal: to provide our site with the most informative content on the Internet. At the time, Lifehacker had recently been acquired by Ziff Davis from G/O Media, and I was both cautiously optimistic about our new business center and grateful for the changes to come. Eight months later, I’m proud to share some of these changes and once again invite you to join our community of experts, masters, and lifelong learners.

Welcome to our new website

Lifehacker has a new homepage design, logo, and site navigation, but we’ve also refocused our brand. Longtime readers may remember Lifehacker’s evolution from a tech site to a broader “lifestyle” hub, and in many ways we’ve come full circle: You can expect a lot more technology from Lifehacker in the future, including reviews covering computers, smartphones, smart phones devices. home devices, smart watches, tablets, TVs and accessories; as well as how-to guides, explanations and product recommendations. Our cooking, entertainment, finance and fitness content isn’t going anywhere, but you can expect a closer look at the technologies and tools you might want to buy, as well as how to use them most effectively.

We also have a new, clear and simple mission : to offer reliable technical assistance and reliable, practical, science-based advice. This statement is our North Star for the topics we choose to cover and our approach to them, and you can expect each Lifehacker story to either offer suggestions for what you should try or offer the information you need to help you make your own decision. . We want to go beyond simply reporting the news and explain what you can do in response to evolving technologies, events and trends.

You can also expect our team to continue to grow. Lifehacker is made up of full-time writers and a group of experienced freelancers, and as our range of technologies and products expands, so will our list of contributors. Most of your favorite writers are still here, though: Steven Johnson continues his “Guide to Unconnected Adults” series, Beth Skwarecki is still debunking viral TikTok myths, Ellie Chanthorn Reinmann is still cooking and baking, and Megan Walbert is still having the most insightful Tips for Parenting in the Digital Age . Lifehacker alumni are also doing amazing things after their experiences here, and I hope you find them too. ( We’ll miss you, Claire , and we’ll be cheering for you on Milk Street .)

Lifehacker has always had some great people on staff , and I encourage you to get to know them based on your interests—or better yet, let them inspire you to be interested in something new. And as Lifehacker becomes more of a community based on continuous learning and knowledge sharing, I want to encourage you to get involved in three ways.

To get started, make friends in the comments. Lifehacker is no longer on our old Kinja platform, so if you want to connect with writers or other readers, create an account on our new OpenWeb commenting platform. Consider this a new beginning for your comment history and an opportunity to review our new rules. The point is simple: have fun. Be respectful. Feel free to criticize ideas, but not people. Treat others online with the same respect as you would in person. I hate bullies ( read my memoir , it’s bullshit) and I have no interest in running an unmoderated forum that allows asshole behavior, let alone abuse or bigotry. Spam filters are likely to be overzealous at times, so your words may take a while to appear online, but human moderation will be quick. This will make our comments section a more welcoming and helpful community for everyone.

Secondly, stay tuned for our new newsletters. We currently have our main daily newsletter, but have several more feature newsletters on the way. Follow writers like Jake Peterson who writes a technology newsletter, Ellie Chanthorn Reinmann who writes about food, Beth Skwarecki and Meredith Dietz who writes about fitness, and I write about life, Lifehacker, and self-improvement. The Download’s first new technology newsletter is coming soon.

If you’ve made it this far, you’re probably a longtime Lifehacker reader. So third, if you have any thoughts or comments, feel free to contact me directly. I love this brand more than you can imagine and spend a lot of time thinking about how to make it the best place to be. Of course, I have to do this within the broader context of business, journalism and digital media, but my team and I work hard to make this site the best place it can be. You can contact me via email at [email protected] , Instagram or Threads . In addition to Lifehacker, I occasionally write about culture for Black Nerd Issues or The Atlantic, and I enjoy responding to thoughtful readers who are often surprised when they receive a response. I’m looking forward to doing it here. This is a great site with incredible contributors and readers. I’m really excited to show it, but I’m even more excited about what we’ll learn together.


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