Best Alternatives to a Gasoline Leaf Blower

Perhaps you live in an area where the sale and/or use of gas-powered lawn mowers and leaf blowers is prohibited, or maybe, like me, you just hate the noise. Whatever the reason you’re considering switching from gas lawn equipment, there are several good alternatives to consider. Here’s what to look for.

Why switch to electricity?

The benefits of switching to power tools are that they are quieter, comply with local gas regulations where they exist, and obviously don’t require gas, making them cheaper to run and better for the environment. . As more stores offer electric leaf blowers and other lawn equipment, the tools themselves are also becoming better and more powerful, so you don’t have to give up the power of a gas leaf blower when you decide to go electric. .

Corded Electric Lawn Mowers

Corded electric lawn equipment is one way to replace gas equipment if you don’t have a huge yard. However, mowers, like vacuum cleaners, pull a cord behind them, which makes them a little bulky. If you have trees or other landscaping that the cord could wrap around or get caught in, corded lawn equipment may not be very practical. However, if you just want to trim the hedges near your home or need to clear a small area, the corded model has the advantage of not requiring charged batteries. If you can trade range for unlimited battery life, brands like Toro , Black and Decker , and Stihl are good choices. Since they range from $60 to $200 per tool, they are definitely a cheaper option if you’re on a budget.

Battery powered lawn tools

Most new electric lawn equipment these days runs on batteries. This is an added convenience because you don’t have to plug in or drag a cord along as you move. The downside is that for some yards one battery (or set of batteries) won’t be enough, so you’ll want to have at least two batteries on hand so you can alternate them in the charger. Keep in mind that most tools only come with one battery (if any) when you consider the overall cost of replacing your gas tools.

Tools that will run on shop tool batteries

For lawn mowers that will work with your existing set of batteries for other tools you already own, you can purchase cordless leaf blowers, lawn mowers, and trimmers from most major brands, such as Makita , Ryobi , Milwaukee , DeWalt , and Bosch . The benefit of this type of tool is that batteries can be added to an existing set of batteries, rather than having to buy a whole new set of chargers and batteries. Any batteries in your lawn care kit can also be used with your existing tools. This will help make the entire transition to electric power for leaf blowers and other lawn equipment much cheaper, since larger tools may require more than one battery to operate at a time.

Battery-powered lawn care tools

Other reliable types of battery-powered tools that may work better over larger areas are brands like EGO and Greenworks , which are designed specifically for lawn care. Because these kits are designed to replace gas-powered equipment, they typically have more power per pound than tools that run on regular industrial tool batteries. If you plan to use these tools separately from your regular shop tools or want a larger, more powerful outdoor tool, it’s worth investing in a brand designed for yard maintenance. While more powerful tools can sometimes be much more convenient, they can also be more expensive, ranging from $120 to $1,000 per tool, depending on size and type.


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