Prevention Is the Key to a Clean Home

Coming home to a clean space is a wonderful feeling. Even those who aren’t bothered by clutter, dust and dirt will likely appreciate the opportunity to sit and relax in their home without being surrounded by clutter. Also, if you fail to handle basic household chores, things will eventually get messy.

Ultimately, taking some preventative measures is the key to preventing your home from getting to the point where you feel disgusted with it. Here are a few strategies to consider.

Preventive measures to keep your home clean

Our homes, like our health, need preventative care. And when it comes to cleaning, the idea is to stop the mess before it happens, or at least minimize its impact. This, in turn, should reduce the amount of time and effort you have to spend resolving them later.

Here are a few strategies to consider implementing in your own home, courtesy of the cleaning experts at the American Cleaning Institute (ACI) and Merry Maids, among others:

Raquel after shower

Keep a scrubber in the shower and ask your family to spend 30 seconds scrubbing the walls and shower doors from top to bottom or left to right. This will prevent soap scum and hard water stains from building up over time.

Use a kitchen exhaust fan

If you’ve ever had to scrub greasy cooking marks off your kitchen walls, cabinets or furniture, you probably won’t want to do it again. Running the stove exhaust fan while cooking will trap some of the grease and oil that will eventually turn into a sticky film covering your kitchen.

Place rugs or rugs at all entry points.

When we walk into a house with our shoes on, we potentially find dirt, pollen, feces, and God knows what else inside. One option is to ask your family members, as well as guests, to remove their shoes as soon as they enter your home.

But if that’s not possible, here’s what you can do: Place rugs or durable mats (that you don’t mind getting dirty) at all entry points into your home, including the garage and/or basement, and ask people to do it. wipe your feet before entering.

Do not leave surfaces wet

Countertops surrounding kitchen and bathroom sinks are prone to getting wet. If this water is allowed to accumulate and then remain there, the area becomes vulnerable to mold, mildew, and moisture-loving bacteria.

To avoid having to deal with this later, keep a clean, dry towel next to the sink and ask your family members to immediately wipe down wet countertops, walls, or any other surfaces they happen to get wet.

Place rubber or vinyl mats under the sink.

Between leaking pipes, spilled cleaning products, and other liquids, the areas under the various sinks in your home can get quite dirty. By placing a mat made of rubber, vinyl or other waterproof and washable material over this area , you will avoid having to deep clean the tight space on your hands and knees. Instead, you can simply remove the mat and hose it down.


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