The Hottest Home Design Trends of 2024, According to Zillow

While the first few years of the pandemic were dominated by soft, cozy interiors, new data from real estate website Zillow suggests home decor will go in a different direction next year. Here are some of their predictions for the hottest home trends of 2024.

Zillow Home Design Trend Predictions for 2024

To determine the hottest interior design trends for next year, the Zillow team tracked “nearly 300 home features and design styles mentioned in for-sale listing descriptions, and then identified keywords that appeared much more frequently than a year ago,” according to a release from companies.

Here are three top trends to watch in the coming year:


Zillow data shows that instead of choosing gray walls with white trim, people are ready to add personality to their homes, particularly in the form of murals. Their surge in popularity is likely due, at least in part, to the fact that they have become more accessible than ever before thanks to wallpaper murals.


After years of emphasizing comfort and coziness, brutalist interior design is moving in a different direction: think concrete floors and other raw, exposed materials. While it’s unlikely to become as ubiquitous as other home design styles like the modern farmhouse, Zillow has seen a 452% increase in the share of for sale listings mentioning Brutalist design.

Sensory gardens

According to Zillow, both sensory gardens and sensory garden paths will be available in 2024. If you’re not familiar with the concept, here’s how we described sensory gardens in a 2021 Lifehacker article :

Essentially, a sensory garden is exactly what it sounds like: a garden designed to be experienced by all five senses (touch, smell, taste, sound and sight). There is no one ‘formula’ for a sensory garden – it’s all about adding certain features to a new or existing garden to fully engage everyone who visits it, providing them with an immersive experience.

Having outdoor space is still important to potential home buyers, especially if it is both beautiful and functional.


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