How You Can Help Children With ADHD During the School Year

As another school year approaches, parents and teachers of any of the six million children diagnosed with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) may find it increasingly difficult to keep up with schoolwork. Students may have difficulty concentrating, have difficulty sitting still, or have difficulty controlling themselves. They may also find it difficult to concentrate on homework, but there are things parents can do to offer help and support.

“People are finding ways to succeed,” says Mariel Benjamin, a licensed clinical social worker and group director for parenting platform Cooper . “There is no reason why children with ADHD cannot be just as successful and gain skills in different areas. This may be very difficult for you right now. Then next month it could be something great. And next year it might be something different. That’s how development works.”

Here are a few things parents of children diagnosed with ADHD can do to ease their frustrations during the school year.

Use a daily checklist of what to take to school.

Dinner? Check. Homework? Check. Benjamin says creating a daily, easy-to-follow checklist is a must for children diagnosed with ADHD to ease frustrations when preparing for school and promote independence.

“It’s a tool for independence,” says Benjamin. “If we can be consistent about this, we can help our kids do well at this. These are things that seem obvious, but if we don’t help our kids succeed, they won’t make it themselves.”

Set timer

Instilling a sense of urgency in children can be difficult. However, if they are diagnosed with ADHD, they may find it even more difficult to regulate their attention, manage their schedule, move from one task to another, and stay on track. Using a visual or audio timer will help your child stay on track, whether it’s homework or getting ready for school in the morning.

Stay Organized

Remember “Keeper Trappers”? These magical folders, secured with three rings and a strip of Velcro, kept homework organized and safe in durable folders. When Benjamin starts explaining how to do homework and other projects, the first thing that comes to mind is Generation X school supplies. And yes, they are still available on the market along with planner pages to help kids keep track of their homework deadlines .

“An example would be having homework folders in pockets that [students] can look through,” she says. “It also helps them stay really organized. You can even have a clean, organized area with all the materials where they can do their homework.”

But order in things should not be limited to a child’s backpack. A clean, organized closet with baskets and shelves for books and belongings can also help.

Don’t forget his favorite fidget toy

Getting children diagnosed with ADHD to focus on school takes a lot of effort, but placing a weighted ball in your lap or using a spinning toy can provide students with the stimulation they need to allow their brains to focus on something else.

There was a time when teachers did not allow students to bring outside toys into class, but many schools have moved away from these restrictions. Check with your child’s teacher as bringing a toy or other item may be considered a reasonable accommodation under a 504 plan.

“They may need a standing desk or ball to sit on rather than a hard chair so they can move their body and be alert and concentrate,” Benjamin says.

504 plan supporter

Through a 504 plan under the Rehabilitation Act and the Americans with Disabilities Act, your child’s school may provide special accommodations for children diagnosed with ADHD, such as extra class time or an adjusted schedule so they can learn in a regular classroom. You can work with your school to assess their eligibility.


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