How (and When) to Use Fresh Vs. Dried Herbs in Your Cooking

Salt and (good) pepper can take you a long way in your cooking, but real adult chefs use an arsenal of herbs and spices to add flavor to their dishes. How you stock your spice cabinet will depend on the type of cuisine you want to enjoy—a “basic” English spice cabinet is very different from an East Asian one—but knowing how to use herbs, dried or fresh, will make you a better person. a more versatile cook.

These ratios work for most herbs.

In most cases, a tablespoon of fresh herbs tastes the same as a teaspoon of dried, which is a ratio of three parts fresh to one part dried . This is because fresh greens contain water, which does not add flavor but adds volume. If a recipe calls for 2 tablespoons fresh chopped basil, you will need 2 teaspoons dried basil flakes.

Ground herbs are even more effective; use a ratio of four parts fresh to one part ground . If a recipe calls for a teaspoon of ground oregano, you will need 1 tablespoon plus 1 teaspoon fresh crushed sage leaves.

Give ’em a sniff

These rules only apply if you are working with relatively fresh dried herbs (i.e. freshly purchased). If a jar of dried thyme has been hanging out in your spice cabinet for a while, give it a whiff. If it has a strong aroma, it’s ok. If it doesn’t smell like anything, throw it away. If it smells like a ghost of its former self, you can still use it, but I would only recommend doing so in recipes that allow you to add seasonings “to taste” so you can adjust as needed. (Personally, I like to use herbs and seasonings that have lost their shine to season popcorn ; popcorn is a forgiving canvas.)

Sage – it’s difficult

Did you know that there are two types of sage? Dried and rubbed. I’ve explained the differences before, but let’s summarize:

Ground sage is made from the leaves, stems and everything else dried and ground into a fine powder; grated sage is made by grinding the dried leaves (without the stems) into fluffy little pieces. When crushed, the leaves are broken down more completely, resulting in a more intensely flavored product that is slightly more astringent, pungent and bitter, with notes of mint and citrus and a more pronounced earthy flavor. Rubbed sage is a little milder, with a piney sweetness, a hint of earthiness, and almost no bitterness.

Because of its fluffiness, grated sage takes up twice as much space as its ground counterpart, so you’ll need twice as much to get the same results. Conversely, if your recipe calls for grated sage but you only have ground, simply use half the amount called for in the recipe.

Avoid dried parsley

Most dried herbs can be used to flavor sauces, soups, stews and all kinds of dishes. While personal preference plays a role (I have a friend who can’t stand dried oregano), there is one dried herb that is pretty much pointless: dried parsley. The dried parsley is La Croix’s version of fresh parsley, just a hint of herbaceousness that can only be detected if you squint your tongue.

Fresh is the best side dish

When using herbs raw, in a salad or as a garnish, it is best to avoid drying them completely. The texture is just wrong; these little dried flakes will feel like paper confetti on your tongue. Fresh basil ribbons are delicious on pizza, but dried basil flakes won’t do your pie any good.


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