Avoid These Common Car Wash Mistakes

Once you’ve invested in the necessary supplies, washing your car yourself rather than taking it to a car wash can save you money. But beyond that, it also gives you more control, allowing you to spend more time on particularly dirty areas or take extra care on delicate parts that may have seen better days.

But if you don’t use the right soaps, rags, and methods to wash your car, you could damage it in the process. Here are some examples of what not to do when washing your car at home.

Mistakes to avoid when washing your car

While it may seem like all car washing involves filling a bucket with water, adding any liquid soap, scrubbing the car with a rag, and rinsing with a hose, it’s actually not that simple. It’s not that it’s a particularly difficult task, but the small decisions you make along the way can end up having a big impact on the outcome.

Here are some common mistakes to avoid:

Washing a car in direct sunlight

While you may be able to see dirt and stains on your windows better on a sunny day, the sun’s heat can cause cleaning products to evaporate before you have a chance to rinse them off. This can cause spots and swirls on your vehicle’s windows and paint. Either park your car in the shade or wait until it’s a cloudy day to wash it.

Using soap to wash dishes

There are many ways to use liquid dish soap outside of the kitchen sink, but cleaning your car is not one of them. According to experts at The Manual , washing your car with dish soap can oxidize the paint and remove its clear coat, leaving the body vulnerable to rust and dirt. Instead, choose a cleaner designed for cars.

Starting from the bottom

Starting by cleaning the tires and wheels , work from the top of the car to the bottom as you wash it. This way, foam and dirty water will flow down the machine as you go, saving you from having to wash the same area twice.

Using paper towels or abrasive cloths.

Consumer Reports experts recommend applying the foamy water with a soft, natural sponge or lambswool mitt, then wiping stubborn dirt areas again with a soft, nonabrasive cloth.


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