How to Freeze Apples Without Spoiling Them for Later

Apples are a filling fruit. They’ll stay fresh on the counter for a week (berries never can) and up to two months in the refrigerator or dark, cool cellar. However, it’s easy to get overly enthusiastic when apple picking, and that’s when the freezer becomes your friend. Here’s how to store apples in the freezer for future baking without sacrificing flavor and texture.

The best apples for freezing

Not all apples are suitable for freezing, even if you do it “right”. According to the National Center for Home Food Preservation , Golden Delicious, Rome Beauty, Stayman, Jonathan and Granny Smith tolerate freezing better than other varieties, while Stemilt Fruit Company suggests Jonagold, Cortland and Empire. When in doubt, freeze apples with firm flesh and a crisp texture; When defrosted, the pulp of more delicate varieties will have an unpleasant porridge-like consistency.

Although hard-fleshed fruits are less likely to become mushy, there will still be a slight difference in texture no matter what you do. This is because the water in an apple expands when it freezes, turning into ice, which breaks the cell walls, softening them. This doesn’t mean you can’t snack on slices, but frozen and thawed apples are best for cooking. Use them in pies, jams and sauces and you’ll barely notice the difference.

How to prepare apples for freezing

While you can freeze the apples whole, a little prep work will make them easier to defrost and handle, and a quick squeeze of lemon juice will keep them from browning. Start by washing, peeling, coreing and slicing the apples. Be careful not to cut them too thin, as slices that are too small will become mushy when defrosted. According to Stemilt, “A medium apple makes 12 slices, and a large apple makes 16.”

After cutting the slices, mix a tablespoon of lemon juice with a glass of water and dip each slice in the mixture for a minute. You can also blanch the slices to stop the enzyme activity by dipping them in boiling water for a minute and then plunging them into ice water. Whatever method you choose, be sure to thoroughly dry the apple slices by patting them dry with paper towels.

Then arrange the slices on the baking sheet, making sure they don’t touch or stick together. Freeze for a couple of hours, then transfer to freezer bags and write the date on the bag. Apple slices will keep in the freezer for nine months.


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