Thomas Keller’s Viral Zucchini Is the Perfect End-of-Summer Side Dish

The last couple of weeks have been brutal in terms of temperature (and everything else, but we only have time for one). At temperatures above 100℉, I could not cook on the stove, much less turn on the oven. But finally, we are back in the 70s again and the oven is again an option.

And not right away. We are approaching the end of zucchini season, a season I love because I can make zucchini butter pasta and large zucchini pickles . I was also looking forward to trying Thomas Keller’s viral zucchini recipe , but I couldn’t because the recipe calls for a really hot oven.

The method is simple but incredibly effective. You cut a zucchini (or yellow squash) in half lengthwise, cut it with hatching, salt generously, and leave it for 15 minutes so that the salt can draw out excess moisture. Dry the pumpkin, fry it in a hot pan, and then bake it in the oven until it is soft and elastic. The notches help the salt penetrate deeper into the vegetables, drawing out more water for a more concentrated flavor, as well as providing more textural options. The result is a silky, tender and caramelized pumpkin with a distinct taste.

Keller tops his zucchini with fresh Vierge sauce, a mixture of tomatoes, shallots, champagne vinegar, and a few seasonings, but you can spice them up with anything you like. I used a combination of olive oil, fresh lemon juice, feta, and mint, but miso frosting , chili chips , or plain summer pesto are great.

Sliced ​​and fried zucchini


  • Zucchini or yellow squash, minimum 1
  • Neutral oil for pan
  • Salt
  • Finishing sauce of your choice

Cut a zucchini or yellow squash in half lengthwise, trying to split them in half as evenly as possible. Using a sharp knife, lightly score the exposed flesh in a cross-hatch pattern with a gap of about 1/4 inch between each score. (I’m serious about “easy”; go too deep and you’ll lose pumpkin pieces.)

Sprinkle each half with a couple of large pinches of salt—you want them to shine—then let sit for 15 minutes to allow the salt to draw out excess moisture. Preheat oven to 450℉.

Meanwhile, heat an oven-safe skillet over high heat with enough neutral oil to cover it. As soon as the oil shines, the zucchini is ready. Pat it completely dry with paper towels, then place cut side down in the pan. Reduce heat to medium, then simmer for about five minutes until browned. Flip the zucchini cut-side up, transfer the whole dish to the preheated oven and roast for 20-30 minutes until completely tender. Pat excess oil with paper towels, transfer to a plate and serve with the sauce of your choice.


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