Get 52% Off NeuroNation Annual Subscription

Your brain is not a muscle, but daily exercise benefits it. Scattered focus and foggy memory can be annoying, but you can help your brain turn on by doing a few specialized exercises each day. This is the idea of ​​NeuroNation brain training.

This app gives you personalized brain training exercises that can help you gradually improve your concentration, improve your memory and sharpen your mind. Right now, you can get an annual subscription to the app for $39.99, which is 52% off the regular price.

An app to help you train your brain

Science suggests that an app like NeuroNation can actually improve brain function: A long-term study by the MSH Medical School in Hamburg and the University of Würzburg found a marked improvement in the scores of NeuroNation’s skill sets in participants who regularly exercised 15- minute lessons and games. – Fitness for your brain – AppSpot

When you first launch the app, you will be taken through a brief assessment of your strengths and weaknesses in several areas. Once your scores are calculated, NeuroNation will create a customized set of brain games and other fun mental exercises . They can range from quick math to solving riddles, memory games, and logic tests.

While nothing can magically jump-start your brain overnight, there is some solid evidence that even simply improving your math skills through daily gaming can improve your logical and analytical thinking .

Give your brain a workout

Play Brain Games: Get an annual subscription to NeuroNation for $39.99, 52% off the regular price (although prices are subject to change at any time).


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