Crispy Cheese Lovers Rejoice, Pancakes Can Be Fried

There is no wrong way to enjoy cheese. The only question is how will you do it today. Will it be the sauce melted between the bread, or straight from the fridge? If I may, I would like to encourage you to taste the crunchiest, chewiest, toasted version of frico cheese. But not only frico as an independent chip; instead, toast it directly on pancakes to make a breakfast bread unlike any other.

Frico pancakes are a playful expression of opposites. The taste of slightly sweet pancake batter and salty toasted cheese, combined with a thin, crispy crust and an airy, light interior, makes this an appetizer you’ll come back to time and time again.

Friko is when you take cheese from its melting point and bring it to brown and crisp, turning it into a cracker of pure euphoria. This is a perfect example of how cheese can transform both on a molecular and emotional level. Freeco chips are extremely easy to make , you can smell them and even wrap them in a large frico blanket . I love pushing the envelope to see what foods I can add frico to, like frico bottomed pizza , which is incredible and you should do it, but pancakes are definitely easier and can be deliciously spontaneous.

To fry pancakes, you need to make your favorite pancake recipe and have a packet of grated parmesan on hand. In a non-stick skillet over medium heat without butter or oil, sprinkle with a pinch of grated cheese. You want to make a circle of cheese that is slightly larger than the final size of the pancake you want to end up with. Use as much cheese as you need to reach this size. Wait for the cheese to begin to melt, then add the pancake batter right on top of the melted cheese, stopping half an inch from the edge of the frico to allow it to rise.

In typical pancake fashion, wait until the edges of the pancake have dry bubbles and the center is slightly damp with active bubbles before flipping, about two minutes. Sprinkle the pancake with another large pinch of grated Parmesan and flip it over. Let the other side cook for one to two minutes, or until the frico layer is crispy and well browned. Cool on a wire rack and serve.

I recommend making the frico with shredded hard cheese because it won’t burn as quickly. I tried low moisture shredded mozzarella and the cheese started to char at a surprisingly fast rate. I was still eating the pancake and it was great in its own way because the outside of the pieces had turned black, but the layer of mozzarella right underneath was stretchy and melted. The problem is that the pancake was on the verge of undercooking to keep the cheese from becoming inedible. Parmesan can withstand high temperatures for much longer without burning, and you can be sure your pancake batter is done.

Parmesan complements the many ingredients so you can enjoy frico pancakes stacked sweet or savory. Try it with layers of bacon and eggs, or garnish with seasonal fresh berries and syrup. It’s also a pretty good snack. Have fun with your new way of making cheese.


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