Break Parkinson’s Law to Be More Productive

Parkinson’s Law is the observation that the more time you give yourself to do something, the more time it will take you to do it. But it’s always better to get things done as early as possible , so let’s take a look at Parkinson’s Law and how it can be overcome.

What is Parkinson’s Law?

The origin of the axiom is silly: Cyril Northcote Parkinson described the phenomenon in a 1955 humorous essay in The Economist, and it has been attributed to him ever since. Although it had a fun start, the idea grew until it was explored in a more serious capacity. Researchers published their findings on Parkinson’s Law in the Psychonomic Bulletin & Review in 1999, finding that people tend to consider how much time is available for a task, rather than how little time it might actually take.

You probably see examples from your own life. If your boss gives you an easy task but sets a deadline next week, are you likely to finish the job seven days early?

How to beat such procrastination

Consider an example: you have a week to complete a simple task at work. Instead of setting a goal in a week and letting the task hang over you, pick a day to get it all done—ideally one or two days before a deadline so you have a fresh mind if you need to discuss or explain it. Schedule a block of time to get everything done, but give yourself less time than usual. Don’t give yourself two hours if it’s a half hour job. If you think there might be distractions or other issues during work hours, take action (such as stating you’re busy ) to mitigate them rather than accommodate them with a temporary buffer.

Overcoming Parkinson’s Law is all about strategic planning and commitment, so try using a day planner to help you plan out your time periods. You can also use a performance timer that shows you exactly how much time you have left to complete a task.


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