These Drinks Are Secret Sources of Caffeine

Of all the substances that people use to enhance, change, suppress and avoid various aspects of our existence, caffeine is one of the most amazing. Does it bother you to know that you literally can’t function like an adult without a dose of caffeine? Sometimes, of course. But for most of us, caffeine is a relatively harmless tonic with very few downsides.

Except when it comes to sleep. Caffeine is a fairly effective stimulant and can negatively impact your sleep if you consume too much of it. Studies have shown that a significant amount of caffeine , even six hours before bedtime, can make it difficult to fall asleep and worsen the quality of sleep. For those of us with little sleep problems, the solution is usually to stop taking caffeine at some point during the day, which would be a great strategy if not for all the amazing places you find caffeine these days. .

How much is too much?

We are all different, but most people can consume about 400 milligrams of this substance every day without appreciable harm; for reference, a standard eight-ounce cup of coffee contains about 100 milligrams of caffeine , most energy drinks range between 70-75 milligrams, tea is about 50 milligrams, and cola is about 22 milligrams (there are, of course, examples). each one that has a lot more or a lot less).

When we think of caffeine, we think of the obvious culprits: coffee, tea, sodas, chocolate, and anything that uses these substances as an ingredient. When it comes to sleep, a few milligrams of caffeine in a cookie or a bowl of oatmeal probably won’t disrupt your sleep, but if you’re having trouble falling or staying asleep, check to see if you’re inadvertently injecting it. caffeine with some of these surprisingly high caffeine foods.


Caffeine is often used to enhance the effects of pain relievers such as acetaminophen (the main ingredient in Tylenol). The effective dose of caffeine in pain relievers is usually over 100 milligrams (although some caffeinated pain relievers use less), so taking a few pills before bed to relieve back pain or headaches can be counterproductive. , since you can get the equivalent amount of caffeine in a cup of coffee.

Some orange sodas and root beer

If you’re like me, you grew up believing that the rule of thumb for caffeine and sodas is cola = caffeine, citrus fruits = no caffeine. But, surprise! Some orange-flavoured sodas do contain caffeine. Sunkist Orange Soda, for example, contains 19 milligrams of caffeine per 12 fl oz . It’s not a huge dose, but if you have a couple of sodas a few hours before bed, it will increase. Similarly, while most root beers are caffeine-free, some brands such as Barq contain around 22 milligrams of caffeine per 12 ounces . In other words, it’s always worth checking before hacking what can be opened.

Some flavored waters

If you’re the type who hates drinking old plain water and always opts for a flavoring to spice it up, you can assume there’s no caffeine involved. And you’re probably right — while some flavored (and unflavored) water brands advertise the addition of caffeine, it’s easy enough to avoid. The only way you can get confused in the flavored water arena is through the use of euphemisms. If your flavored water has terms like “energy” or “enhancer” in the name, double-check the ingredient list.

You can also get a hint on these ingredients – just like coffee-flavored energy bars are usually high in caffeine, flavored water that includes coffee or tea can work even if it’s not advertised as containing caffeine. For example, the AHA flavored water brand includes three products that include black or green tea, resulting in about 30 milligrams of caffeine . It’s not a lot of caffeine, but it adds up.

Green tea

Green tea doesn’t sound as serious as black tea, but that doesn’t mean it doesn’t have caffeine. Your average green tea contains about 25 milligrams of caffeine per eight ounces (specific green teas or formulations that use it vary in amount, from 12 milligrams to 75 milligrams or more). Bottom line: If you’re craving a cup of soothing green tea before bed, double check before you brew.


Despite being a tea, most people don’t associate kombucha with caffeine. But most kombucha contains a small but noticeable amount of caffeine, between eight and 14 milligrams . It’s probably not enough to ruin your night, but if you’ve already had a lot of caffeine throughout the day, it might be enough to push you to the extreme. Similarly, if you drink too many cups before you go to bed, you can stare at the ceiling for hours.

Sleep is essential for good health, so it’s important to avoid anything that might interfere with a good night’s rest. Some products require a little detective work.


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