Where to Find Extra Storage Space in the Kitchen

While spacious kitchens have become somewhat of a status symbol, this has not always been the case. So if you live in an old house that hasn’t been renovated, your kitchen might be smaller than you’d like and lack the storage space you need. Or is it so?

Your kitchen may not have a pantry or walls with cabinets, but chances are there are storage spaces that you overlook. Here’s what you need to know.

Where to find extra storage space in the kitchen

Whether you need to hide pots and pans or store small appliances, here are a few places in your kitchen that you may not be using fully:


When it comes to your kitchen, wall space is where storage comes in. The easiest way to use even small sections of the wall is to install various hooks. In addition to separate hooks, you can install a curtain rod, tension rod or towel rail on the wall between the cabinets and the counter, and hang kitchen utensils, mugs or small kitchen gadgets on S-shaped hooks.

On cabinets or tall furniture

If your kitchen lacks storage space and there is a gap between the top of your cabinets and the ceiling, you should take advantage of that space. Unless you’re very tall, this isn’t the place you want to put things you use every day, but it’s perfect for small appliances like slow cookers or a giant pot that you only need a few times a year.

Internal cabinets

Surely you have at least a few unused shelves in the cabinets. Let’s say you have one layer of about 5″ high mugs on a 12″ high shelf. Instead of wasting that vertical space, make or buy stackable shelves to add another layer of storage.


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