You Should Use These Free SAT Preparation Apps

Summer is the perfect time to prepare for standard fitness tests. Preparing during the summer will help you prepare for the fall exam, giving you enough time to retake it in the spring to get a higher score if needed. And no matter how you tend to learn, the app can probably help. Here are some of the best.

Try Khan Academy if you’re visual

Khan Academy, a non-profit organization and partner of the College Board, has become synonymous with exam preparation. They have free courses in different AP classes, different subjects and of course standardized tests like SAT and LSAT. In addition to a large selection of study materials, Khan Academy provides information in the form of videos with clips that cover practical tasks like those you might face in an exam. For practical questions, you’ll need to use the desktop version of the site, but app-based videos are great for travel.

Use Practice for the SAT to find out what the test will actually look like

There are apps to help you learn how to think the way the test wants you to (which is useful after the exam date too), but if you want to stay as close to the real exam as possible, use the official College Board app. . Practice for the SAT each day offers a new practice question and archives all the old ones. You can sort through old practice questions, they all come straight from the same board that is watching the real test. In addition, there are practice tests and a unique feature that allows you to download a scan of an official SAT practice test that you have already taken and get it graded and corrected.

Use Magoosh’s SAT cards if you like flashcards

Magoosh flashcards talk about the English and math concepts you need to know for your test. Simply select a list of SAT words and filter by your preferred difficulty level so you don’t repeat something too easy (or something so hard you can’t remember it). The card game will complete your study session with a fun quiz.

Use SAT Varsity Tutors: Practice, Prep, Flashcards if you want the most variety

Some days you need cards; others, you need practice tests; others still, you want to focus on a particular subject. The SAT prep app from Varsity Tutors has it all. The decks of cards are pre-prepared and the items are grouped together, so if you’re having trouble with math, you can simply skim through the math section instead of answering questions randomly asked of you. It also measures you so you can see how much time you are devoting to certain subjects or concepts and focus more on those that confuse you.

Use the SAT Daily: Exam Prep if you want corrections explained to you

Some apps dig deep into the elements of ease of use and quick access. It’s great to practice flashcards or answer one practice question and then get on with your day. But if you want to understand the answers to what you did right or wrong, try the SAT Daily, which provides more detailed explanations of the answers to hundreds of practice questions. Mastering the subjects you’re good at is one thing, but really understanding why you struggle with others is the key to getting better at them.

Use the Ready4 SAT if you mean school

If you’re taking an exam with a particular school in mind, it’s helpful to know exactly what you need to do to increase your chances of getting accepted. Ready4 SAT is a general prep app that has flashcards and practice questions, plus you can browse over 400 schools to find out your students’ average SAT scores. The app also lets you track your progress with practice questions and provides step-by-step lessons on concepts you need to know.

Use SAT Vocab by MindSnacks if you want to play with words

Practice tests can seem dull and boring, so if you’re looking to add some fun to your prep routine, try the SAT Vocab. It looks a bit childish, but contains nine kinds of games designed to teach you about 500 words.


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