For the Best Waffle Sandwich, Make Meat Waffles First

When I first started this series , I set out to scatter weird and weird things that have yet to be unraveled. I skipped the grilled cheese waffles because it seemed too obvious, but these are top notch waffles. If you want to make it more nutritious, you can add some meat, but you must waffle this meat before you put it in a sandwich.

A waffle lunch may seem like it belongs in the uncanny valley, but pushing a ham or sausage between hot, divided plates creates little moments of toasty, savory flavor, just as if you were roasting that meat in a flat-topped skillet.

How to make waffle lunch

To cook meat in a skillet, set the waffle iron to medium and put in a few slices of whatever you want. If your waffle iron only has one heat setting, place the meat inside, close it, and let it heat up along with the waffle iron. Cook for a few minutes until the meat is browned to your liking.

Take it out of the waffle iron, brush a couple of slices of bread with melted butter, and layer the sandwich like you normally would: I love bread, meat, cheese, meat, cheese, bread. Place the sandwich in a waffle iron on the middle rack, with the buttered sides of the bread toward the plates. Close the waffle iron, press down lightly and cook for 2-3 minutes or until the sandwich is browned to your liking. Don’t worry if some of the cheese melts from the sandwich and ends up on the grate; it will turn into crispy frico pieces.

In addition to the meat part of the sandwich, you can add other ingredients to the waffles to add more brown (or even charred) flavor. You can make waffle pancakes for a breakfast sandwich, radicchio or bell peppers for something more vegetarian, onion rings for onion ring parmesa . If dinner meat isn’t your favorite form of animal protein, don’t worry, waffle meatloaf , meatballs , and SPAM are just as good on a sandwich as cheese waffles . I’m not saying that you should waffle every single component of your sandwich, but that’s not my worst idea. (A breakfast sandwich is the best candidate for this; eggs waffle well .)


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