The Best Way to Know If You’re Ready for the Big Challenge

Finals season is just around the corner and tests run all year round, but it’s never too late to learn a new method of learning – and this one is pretty effective. If you have an important exam coming up and you want to know if you’re prepared enough, all you have to do is find a study buddy who knows absolutely nothing about what you’re studying and explain it to him. Here’s how it works.

Find the right study partner

You can ask someone who is not familiar with your topic to help you—a parent, sibling, or friend. Don’t choose someone from your class or someone who already knows the subject. If you’re studying for an American history exam, you obviously don’t want to partner with someone who shows Ken Burns documentaries on weekends, although that might seem logical.

This person is definitely worth using as a learning resource – but not for this part of your review paper. It’s good to learn from or be mentored by someone who is well versed in the subject, but here you’re looking for a complete novice.

First study as usual

Before you connect with your unexplored target, do what you usually do to prepare for the big test. Talk to this Ken Burns fan, organize your notes, review what you’ve read – anything you’ve found useful in the past. All standard cramming techniques apply: go to a quiet place, listen to quiet music so as not to be distracted, jot down your notes. Get as much material into your head as you can before moving on to the next step.

Become a teacher

Once you feel like you’ve prepared for the test as usual, sit down with your chosen study partner and ask if you can record your conversation. A recorder that transcribes as you go is your best bet, so choose one like , which offers a free version and is very easy to use.

From there, become your professor: explain the topic, from beginning to end, to another person. Take as much time as you need and be sure to cover all the details and explain why it’s all important. Encourage your partner to ask questions when something is not clear or they may notice a gap in your explanation. If you can’t answer a question, don’t know how to clear up what was misunderstood, write it down so you can reinforce your understanding before the day of the exam. Here’s how it works in practice: For my midterms this year, I had to be prepared to lay out the entire nine-step research process. After memorizing each step and repeating them in detail, I explained them to my boyfriend, who knows nothing about research methods. When I did this, it became easy to see which parts I fully understood and which remained a little iffy, to the point where I couldn’t easily explain them in my own words.

My weaknesses became more apparent as he began bombarding me with questions. I took notes on the ones I didn’t have an answer for, plus the parts I struggled with during my initial explanation, and then picked up the books again until I wrote them down.

Why this method works

This student-teacher method works not only because it helps you focus on concepts you’re good at and need to work on, but because – depending on what kind of student you are – it can also help you when the time comes to show you what you know.

During my exam, I struggled to remember one of the nine steps in the research process, so I went back to my memories of the time I was talking to my boyfriend. I was finally able to retrieve the information because I had this secondary memory – he asked me about it – to use the anchor.

There is a reason why this method is often included in the lists of life hacks for in-depth study . The point of tests isn’t really about memorizing stuff with flashcards until you can repeat everything on command, only to have it fly out of your brain after a few weeks. The point is to show your true mastery of the material. Long-term retention and understanding are key. Your ultimate goal after completing any course should be to know the material well enough that you can explain it to anyone. Why not start before the big exam?


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