Let the Shoelace Water Your Plants for You.

Long-term watering treats are usually advertised for people who are away on vacation, but the reality is that many people who have houseplants are simply too busy to water them all the time. Your best intentions don’t match your most pressing responsibilities, so let’s create a quick and easy way to keep your plants watered even when you’re not giving them your full attention. All you need is a spare lanyard.

To keep your plant constantly watered, you will need four things in addition to the plant itself:

  • lace
  • Container
  • Water
  • Pencil or other poke tool

You’re going to use the method usually associated with long wicks – the type used for candles – but string will work too. All you have to do before you start is make sure the plant in question has a drainage hole in the bottom of the pot, according to Lawn EQ . Also, do this outside or over the newspaper to avoid mess.

Tie one end of the string in a knot and moisten it with water, pull the plant out of the pot and with a pencil or other long tool, stick the free end deep into the root ball, and lower the knotted end through the drainage hole. . From there, lower the plant back into the pot and place it on a shelf where the string can hang down into a pitcher of water, which should contain between 16 and 32 ounces.

The water will soak into the string, rising up to the root ball, and over time, the roots will absorb what they need.

This method is great for those who keep their plants high on the shelves at home. If it’s hard to reach to water a plant that’s high above the ground, it may be easier to fill a bucket with water below. You can hide your container and laces with embellishments such as photo frames.

You can also do this outside, especially for potted seedlings, but tie something heavy, like a mounting nut, to the end that goes into your tank so wind or living things don’t rip it out.


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