You Can Register for the Google AI Chatbot Right Now

2023 is already the year of consumer AI. You can find the ChatGPT and GPT language models in Microsoft AI search Bing , DuckDuckGo , and many other programs, but it’s not just OpenAI that’s getting all the fun. Now Google is releasing Bard , its AI chatbot partner for Google search, for anyone who wants to test it. You may need to wait a bit first.

How Google Bard AI Works

Just as OpenAI’s ChatGPT is based on the GPT-3 language model, Bard is built on the LLM (Large Language Model) version of Google’s LaMDA (Language Model for Conversational Applications) language model. Google wants you to think of this LLM as a prediction engine as Bard selects each selected word by analyzing what is logically next in the pattern. To make the Bard sound more human and less like a robot, some variations are included in the design. So it doesn’t pick the same words over and over again, even if it makes sense from an algorithmic point of view.

Like Bing AI, you can ask Bard whatever you want and get a thoughtful answer based on extensive knowledge. Google readily admits that Bard doesn’t offer perfect answers. The example below shows how Bard misunderstands the scientific name of the ZZ plant by saying “Zamioculcas zamioculcas” instead of “Zamioculcas zamiifolia”. But the company says the more people use it, the better it will get. For what it’s worth, The Verge managed to stump the AI ​​by giving incorrect answers to a query about the maximum load of a particular washing machine and offering only a half answer about who held the last press briefing at the White House.

To make the answers more useful, Bard will often offer you multiple options for any given answer so you can control the direction of the conversation. And that’s the conversation: you can keep asking Bard questions related to the previous clue, and the chatbot will respond in kind. If you don’t like the answer or think it’s inaccurate, you can ask Bard to try again. Whenever you want to explore a given answer in more detail, or check the sources for this answer, you can click the “Google” button to go to a Google search.

Following some, ahem, ” confusions ” with other AI chatbots, Google has introduced some restrictions here, such as limiting the number of exchanges for any given conversation. Most likely, Microsoft wants to avoid the situation Microsoft found itself in with Sydney, the artificial intelligence Bing chatbot personality who could be easily provoked into harassing the end user, as well as sharing her desire to destroy whatever she wanted .

How to test Bard right now

If you’d like to try out Bard yourself, you can sign up for the Google waitlist at . Today’s rollout is only for US and UK users, but Google says it will support more countries and languages ​​”over time”.


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