Home Remedies Are Actually Better for Kids Than Cold Medicine

This post is part of our Home Remedies Guide , a review of home remedies from dubious to doctor-approved. Read more here .

The FDA has warned children under the age of 4 not to use over-the-counter cough and cold medicines. So what are you doing instead? Try home remedies that “may work better than drugs” for young children, says the American Academy of Pediatrics .

The AAP also notes that you don’t need to treat a child’s symptoms just because they have a cold. If your child is behaving normally and is not bothered by a cough or runny nose, no action is required. This includes fever: although you should see a doctor at a temperature above 102 (or 100.4 for infants under 2 months of age ), a fever below this limit usually does not bother the baby and does not require special treatment.

When not to take cold medicine for children

First of all, let’s look at the recommended age limits for over-the-counter cough and cold medicines. Until age 4, the AAP and FDA agree that these drugs should not be used at all. According to the AAP, between the ages of 4 and 6, you can use them, but check with your pediatrician first.

After 6 years these medicines are “safe to use” but double check that your child is taking the appropriate dose: this means measuring with a syringe or measuring spoon rather than a kitchen spoon than a standard teaspoon) and paying attention to the active ingredients in different products. If you give your child Tylenol and then measure out the cough syrup containing acetaminophen, you may not notice that you doubled the dose of the same medicine.

Some homeopathic products are labeled as suitable for young children, but these products are not FDA approved and may not be helpful or even dangerous. The FDA allows them to remain on the market, but “is not aware of any proven benefits of these products and urges you not to give homeopathic cough and cold medicines to children under 4. ” (Italics them.)

Cold medicines may not always help, even if they are legal medicines that are properly prescribed. Home remedies like the ones we describe here are often more helpful.

Get rid of snot

If your child is old enough to blow his nose, ask him to do so. Babies can often figure this out if you hold a napkin and ask them to blow. But until they are old enough, the pear syringe will be your friend. Use this contraption to suck out snot (we used to call it a “snot dryer” in our house). They will fuss when you do this, but then immediately feel relieved.

If the mucus is crusty, soften it with saline or warm water before trying to remove it. You can buy saline drops at the drugstore, or you can make your own with this simple recipe from AAP:

Add ½ teaspoon non-iodized salt and ¼ teaspoon baking soda to 1 cup (8 ounces) of warm water. Stir to dissolve the salt and baking soda. For washing the nose, use sterile, distilled or pre-boiled water.

Help them stop coughing

Honey works just as well as cough syrup, and some studies have shown it to be even better. The AAP recommends giving children 2 to 5 milliliters of honey (that is, a teaspoon or less) as needed to loosen mucus and reduce coughs. A spoonful of honey before bed can help with a nighttime cough.

The exception, as you may have guessed, is that babies under 1 year old should not be given honey . Not in food, not in cough syrup. There is a risk of botulism from spores in honey. Starting at an early age, our immune system can deal with spores, but infants are at higher risk.

Keep liquids flowing

Fluids help because when we’re well hydrated, the mucus thins out and it’s easier for the body to get rid of it. This means giving children water, chicken soup, or any other liquid that they will gladly swallow.

Babies who are breastfeeding should continue to do so. If they have trouble feeding due to a stuffy nose, use a bulb syringe first. You can also give them breast milk or formula in a cup or bottle.

If the air in your home is dry, a humidifier can help prevent mucous membranes (such as those in your nose) from drying out. If you use a device, try a cool mist humidifier filled with filtered or distilled water . Or get some humid air for free by asking your child to sit in the tub while someone turns on the shower.

When to go to the doctor

Very young children should be examined every time they have a temperature above 100.4, according to the FDA . Call the doctor for any child if their temperature is above 102, if they have stopped eating and drinking and may be dehydrated, if they have a persistent headache or earache, or if they feel like they are getting worse instead of better.

And make sure your child is examined immediately if you see signs that he is having trouble breathing. These may include blue lips, labored breathing, wheezing, rapid breathing, or protruding ribs with each breath.


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