The Best Apps to Help You Clean Your Home

It’s been years since Apple launched this useless “there’s an app for it” campaign, but it’s admittedly accurate, as are the catchy advertising slogans. Apps have really become ubiquitous: you have apps to help you work out efficiently , apps to save money at your favorite coffee shop , and with spring cleaning coming up, you might have one (or more) apps to help you tidy up your house. . An app can’t do all the work for you, but a good app can motivate or guide you, so the one that best suits your needs will depend on how you prefer to tackle unpleasant or tedious tasks.

If you like to-do lists: Flawless

Spotless helps you break down cleaning tasks by room. You can create a separate to-do list for each room in your house and then set reminders for how often you want to complete tasks in each room. It keeps track of when your last cleaning was done for each place – countertops, bathtubs, whatever you want – and reminds you when they should be next. The interface is simple and neat, uncluttered and easy to use.

Available on: iOS / Android

If you need reminders: Clean my house

Task lists are great (and there are plenty of them in app stores), but they’re not as useful if you’re the type who just doesn’t want to open an app to view them. Clean My House is designed to remind you every day of what your cleaning schedule for the day should look like: “No more worrying about what to do every morning.” You can control how often each notification pops up, and once it’s over, just tap the reminder to open the app and flag it.

Available on: Android

If you need to delegate: OurHome

Cleaning is not the work of one person, but if you use an app that only you can see, it will be like this. OurHome makes cleaning a game and brings the whole family together. Not only do you assign tasks to each person in the app, but you can also set rewards for them so you know they’ll stick with it. In addition, there are other features here that are not found in other cleaning applications. For example, you can create a shared shopping list that allows everyone in the house to add what they need from Target’s next launch.

Available on: iOS / Android

If you like earning points: DONE

What is it about a simple scoring system that keeps us coming back to in-app games? If you’re the type of person who gets motivated by Snap or Duolingo stripes, DONE might actually encourage you to clean your house. Set a goal and watch the pretty bar fill up with color every time you complete your preferred task, be it cleaning or lifestyle. You can train yourself to get those sweet, sweet glasses by scrubbing the tub or drinking enough water each day.

Available on: iOS

Bonus: TikTok

If you need cleaning inspiration, checklists may not be the best option. Depending on what really motivates you, you might be better off using TikTok. No, really: the app is full of Cleantok influencers sharing their best cleaning tips, as well as real reviews, product recommendations, and hacks . Seeing others use tips and tricks to deal with clutter and grime is oddly inspiring and gets you in the mood to clean up.

Available on: iOS / Android


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