The Best Way to Stop Vocalizing and Read Faster

When we have an almost infinite amount of information at our fingertips at all times, it’s helpful to be able to read quickly—or at least in a decent passage. While we may not think of what we’re doing as “reading” in the traditional sense, many TikTok videos and Instagram reels have subtitles and captions, so even if you don’t actually pick up a book, you’re still something. then you read.

If you’ve never been the fastest reader, you can still find it hard to keep up. But, as we pointed out in a previous Lifehacker article , there are ways to speed things up a bit, such as reducing the amount of subvocalization. And as it turns out, there are several ways to do this. Here’s what you need to know.

What is subvocalization?

So what is subvocalization ? Essentially, this means that when you read silently, you mentally pronounce each word in its entirety. And while subvocalization tends to slow your reading down, it also has some benefits , including improving reading comprehension and leaving a stronger impression of what you just read in your short-term memory.

How to stop subvocalizing

In addition to the benefits, if your main goal is to read faster, reducing subvocalization can help. Here are three methods you can try, courtesy of Melissa Barone of Book Riot :

  1. Scan the page before reading it carefully : It’s natural to say words when we come across unfamiliar words, so keep an eye on them on a quick initial page scan so you can say them or find them without slowing down. down.
  2. Distract yourself : Chew gum or have a snack to keep your mouth busy, which should help you avoid saying words while reading. Or listen to instrumental music to focus on it and not on the words you read in your head.
  3. Keep your eyes focused : skipping a page – as we usually do when we come across a word we don’t know – not only slows us down in general, but often results in subvocalization. Instead, place your finger, ruler, or piece of paper directly below the line you’re reading to keep your place.


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