You Must Make Dessert Paste Immediately.

Pastes have been used in desserts for some time now, such as the sweet lokshen kugel or the white chocolate orzo pudding , but I confess I missed a lot. All this time, my boxes of pasta were treated only to savory dressings, vegetables and meat. I cooked with one noodle tied behind my back. Pasta is a clean ingredient like rice or bread that provides texture and chewiness for whatever flavors you add to it, including sweets.

Pasta range for desserts ranges from small everyday crunchy snacks to full dessert casseroles. You can sauté fresh pasta to make crunchy dipping bowls for sweet sauces, or simply toss them into a cinnamon-sugar mixture. Leftover cooked pasta can be mixed into sweet ricotta cheese or a thick custard base for cream casserole . Perhaps elegance suits your style better? Drizzle creamy sweet penne sauce over orange wedges for a sweet pasta soup . For a sliceable dessert, make the classic pasta cake with tagliatelle , citrus and ground almonds.

Pasta puddings and casseroles

For those who are starting out with pasta pud for the first time, I recommend keeping it simple. Just like when you tested your first rice pudding, you might think the texture contrast and flavor combination of pasta and custard is pretty fishy, ​​but give it a chance to impress you. Desserts made with boiled noodles add texture and firmness, highlighting the sweet, rich and flavorful filling. For an introduction , try dessert macaroni and cheese . Mix with fruit and sprinkle with chopped nuts before baking.

French fries

Fried pasta has an unexpected but very appealing fluffy crunch. Boil fresh or dry pasta first to moisten it. (To give the noodles a subtle, sweet flavor, add sugar to boiling water.) Drain the pasta and let any excess water dry. Pat the pasta dry with a paper towel or toss it in a salad bowl to make sure the noodles don’t collect water that splatters when it hits the hot oil. Add prepared pasta to 350-375°F oil and deep-fry until light golden brown. Most forms of pasta are quite thin, so take them out when they are light in color, as cooking residue will continue to lightly brown them. Sprinkle crispy pasta with icing sugar, cocoa powder, or a mixture of sugar and cinnamon.

Shells stuffed with cocoa pasta

Part of the fun of pasta is enjoying its many delicious shapes and fantastic shells. Season stuffed shells with saccharin and simply replace the savory sauce and stuffing with something sweet. Boil medium and large shells in water, as usual, or add a spoonful of sugar to boiling water. Drain the water and let the excess water evaporate until the shell is sticky but there are no visible standing drops. Roll the shells thoroughly in cocoa powder and shake off any excess. Arrange them on a platter with the holes facing up. It’s okay if they lean one way or the other. Using a small spoon or piping bag, fill each shell with soft ganache , cannoli filling , or plain sweetened cream cheese . Sprinkle them with chopped pistachios, candied orange zest, shredded coconut, or enjoy them as is with a hot espresso.


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