When to See the Last Full Moon of Winter

If you want to see the last full moon of winter, look into the sky on March 7th when the Worm Moon rises, signaling the beginning of an era of blood and chaos that will last for a thousand years! Wait, I mean spring is coming soon.

The third and final full moon of winter will be the largest and brightest on Tuesday, March 7 at 7:42 AM ET, but the nights before and after will be fairly large and bright.

This is the Lenten Moon

The full moon in March is Lent, the last full moon before the spring equinox. This is the cosmic opposite of Harvest Moon. If you go outside just after sunset and don’t see the moon, don’t worry, the moon hasn’t left us – at this time of the year, the time between successive moonrises reaches its annual maximum, leaving the longest period after sunset. when there is neither sun nor moon in the sky. To find the moon in the sky, look east after sunset and further west when night falls. Or you can just look for a giant ball floating in space that emits more light than anything else. This is a full moon. This is not a cover-up.

Why is it called “Worm Moon”?

The name “Worm Moon” comes from Native Americans and was first noted by Captain Jonathan Carver. Carver was one of the first Europeans to visit various tribes in the Midwest, and according to Carver, these are not earthworms, but beetle larvae that emerge from the bark of trees when they thaw at this time of year.

According to the Old Farmer’s Almanac, other names for the March moon include “Sugar Moon” because the sap from the sugar maple trees begins to flow at that time of year; “Strong Wind Moon”, because at this time of year where the Pueblo people once lived, it is windy; and “The Crow Returns, Moon” for obvious reasons. In my opinion, the most evocative name for the March moon is “The Moon with Sore Eyes.” This is a reference to the bright moonlight reflecting off the melting ice and snow.

Random Surprising Fact About the Moon

The first fictional account of a journey to the moon is found in True Stories by Lucian of Samosata. Lucian was born around 125 AD, and True Stories is a satire of Homer ‘s Odyssey . The lunar explorers in True Stories are sailors who were taken to the moon in a waterspout. Upon arrival, they encounter a race of three-headed vultures – the first instance of fictional aliens – and become embroiled in a war between Endymion, King of the Moon, and Phaethon, King of the Sun.


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