Everything You Need to Hide Before Guests Arrive

A curious guest can permanently disconnect you from hosting. Everyone was having a good time until someone came back from the bathroom and asked what you were taking this lithium for. No one should make you feel condemned in your own home, but some people leave you no choice but to prevent potential conflicts before they begin.

If you hide certain things before the guests arrive, you can keep your sanity and keep the party running smoothly. A good rule of thumb is that if a guest sees something and starts a conversation you’d rather not have, it’s much easier to hide it. Your mileage may vary, but these five categories are a good place to start.

Mess in the bathroom

Not all guests are bothered by clutter, but if yours – or claim they don’t, but you know better – it’s best to get rid of the most obvious troublemakers, starting with the bathroom. A mess can be considered dirty even if it isn’t, and besides, it’s much nicer to use a sink that isn’t full of bottles. Pour it all into the tub and close the shower curtain if necessary.

This also applies to personal care products. Most people who have facial and/or body hair groom it in some way, but no one wants to see your electric razor. Put this thing in your first aid kit or desk drawer until people arrive. Or, if you don’t have any storage space left in your bathroom, at least make sure it’s clean.

Drugs (legal or otherwise)

Whether or not you live in a state where weed is legal, it’s probably a good idea to pack up your paraphernalia and hide it somewhere safe during dinner parties. Either way, the bongs and pipes are a bit stinky; just politely confine that smell to a place where guests won’t hang out. (And if some of your guests are children, their parents will be especially grateful to you for hiding the edible somewhere out of reach.) The same goes for any other drugs, legal or otherwise, about which you do not want to answer questions. — or even worse. , stolen.

Some books and films

A familiar book or movie can spark a fun and engaging discussion among party goers, or vice versa. If you have media that can cause a stir (in a bad way), it’s best to hide it during parties. In some cases, it may be porn; for others, it could be any so-called “controversial” titles. Depending on the level of perseverance of the giver, you may even be able to avoid the embarrassing question, “So what do you think of that book I gave you?” conversation by hiding the book in question before they approach.

sex toys

Even the most open-minded house guests probably don’t want to come face to face with a wall-mounted dildo while visiting the bathroom. (Although if they do, more power to all of you!) Before you invite people in, be sure to pack up your sex toys wherever they happen to be and put them in a safe hiding place.

decorative weapons

Curiosity is not the only sin a guest can commit. Recklessness can also be a problem, and in some cases downright dangerous. It’s unlikely that your guests will take a vintage revolver or a 1:1 scale reproduction of Andúril off the wall and do something profoundly stupid, but if it’s a drunken party, it can happen. As always, it’s better to be safe than sorry: put your decorative weapons in a closet or basement until your guests leave.


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