7 Reasons I’m Saving Jars of Bonne Maman Jam

The only jam I buy regularly is Bonne Maman Strawberry Jam. This is the perfect product. It’s sweet and tart, with noticeable bits of berries, packaged in a can of Bonne Maman, another perfect product that I hoard like a little goblin from a can.

It’s hard to explain what makes the jar so perfect. Is that a fun red and white patterned picnic table cover? The way it sits in your hand, hefty enough to give some weight without feeling too precious? Or is it that you can use them over and over again in a myriad of ways, from the strictly utilitarian to the downright quirky?

I think it’s a combination of all of the above, combined with the fact that if you break one, all you have to do to replace it is buy (and eat) tastier jam (oh no). Here are seven of my favorite ways to randomly repurpose Bonne Maman jars.


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