“Knolling” Is “condoing” for Maximalists

It’s been 12 years since Japanese organizing consultant Marie Kondo ‘s book Life-Changing Cleaning Magic was first published, and four years since her Netflix show Clean Up made her a household name and, ironically , , verb . And for a while, her KonMari method was mostly seen as the only way to overcome clutter and in turn other problems in your life.

But not all of our brains work the same way, and Kondo’s strategies didn’t work for everyone. If you fall into this category and have a maximalist inclination, you may be interested in another organizing method known as “knolling”. Here’s what you need to know.

What is “nolling”?

In short, “knolling” is an organizing method that involves arranging groups of tools and other everyday objects in parallel lines or at 90-degree angles. The result is a workspace that looks clean and symmetrical, where the elements you use regularly are clearly displayed rather than tucked away. Your things are not only accessible, but also aesthetic.

You may have also seen Instagram posts featuring knolling, as in the image above, where it is more commonly referred to as “flat photography”.

The name “knolling” is a reference to Knoll, Inc .: an American furniture company founded in 1938 that made chairs, tables, desks, and storage items from iconic designers and architects including Eero Saarinen, Florence Knoll, Marcel Breuer, and others. Frank Gehry.

The organizational method dates back to 1987 , when sculptor Andrew Kromelov and artist Tom Sachs worked at Gehry’s studio. Kromlov coined the term, and Sachs popularized it.

How to use knolling to organize space

In 2010, Sachs created a video for his staff called “10 Bullets”, which he called ” studio guide “. One of the 10 points is “Always be Knolling,” in which he breaks down the organizational method into four steps:

  1. Scan your surroundings for materials, tools, books, music, etc. that are not being used.
  2. Remove everything that is not being used. If you are not sure, leave it.
  3. Group all similar objects.
  4. Align or align all objects either to the surface they are standing on or to the studio itself.

Here is a video if you need visual links:

10 bullets. Tom Sachs

Want to know more about knolling? This article from Dwell contains more information and examples.


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