Make Tempeh Even Better by Steaming It Beforehand

As much as I love tofu , I have to admit that tempeh can be the real champion of soy-based meat substitutes. It has more protein than tofu, and while a little less versatile, its crumbly texture and whimsical nutty flavor are both delicious and unique. There is simply no replacement.

With that said, tempeh is even more divisive than its smoother, unfermented bean curd counterpart, which is saying something considering how aggressive people can be against tofu. Preferences are preferences, but I think much of this duality can be attributed to poor preparation; When tempeh is cooked incorrectly, its deliciously unusual, nutty flavor has a bitter undertone that many people (understandably) turn off. Its texture can also be a little dry, crumbly. But neither of these characteristics are intrinsic to the nature of tempeh—in fact, you can solve both problems with a quick steam bath.

Steaming makes tempeh so much tastier and more enjoyable to work with that I’m shocked it doesn’t have to be mentioned somewhere on the packaging. (I currently have four bricks of tempeh from two different brands in my fridge, and neither recommend steaming it first.) It’s quick and easy to make and takes out any remaining bitterness and softens the texture significantly while maintaining consistency. The surface is dry enough to be crispy in hot oil. Seriously, if you think you hate tempeh, you should do it for yourself to try the steam trick. Here’s how.

First, cut the tempeh into whatever shape you like, then add it to a steamer basket set in a pot or instant pot with about half an inch to an inch of water. Cover and cook over high heat on the stove for 15-20 minutes, or use the “steam” function in the slow cooker for high pressure steaming for 4-5 minutes. (You can use natural or instant release here; whichever works best for your schedule.) Now you have perfectly soft, tender tempeh that’s ready to soak up whatever delicious seasonings you have.


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