The 15 Best Living Christmas Trees (and Which Ones to Choose)

If you’re celebrating Christmas, you probably have a decorated Christmas tree installed somewhere in your home. As a child, the tree in my house was an old dusty artificial model that had to be collected branch by branch. We always kept it in the basement, packed in a cardboard box, and every holiday season, unpacking it was a game of “Spider or not?”.

At some point, my parents decided that a real live tree would be a better option (which changed our annual game to Squirrel Family or Not?), and so began our tradition of standing in different parking lots while rude men merrily sold us . what seemed to my young eyes an accidental pine tree .

But these trees were not random! And they don’t have to be: in fact, you have a surprisingly wide range of tree species to choose from as the centerpiece of your holiday decoration. If you’re looking for a real Christmas tree this year , here are the top 15 types – and why you should choose each of every other tree in the lot.


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