Your Dentist Will Know You’re High

Wouldn’t it be great if you could take something before your dentist appointment, something that would help you stay calm and maybe ease some of the pain? If you think cannabis fits the bill, you’re not alone: ​​A recent survey by the American Dental Association found that more than half of dentists have seen at least one patient come to an appointment high.

However, is this a good idea? This is where things get tricky. The short answer is that some dentists may agree to this under certain circumstances if you discuss it with them beforehand. But there are many reasons you might want to reconsider. So let’s discuss.

They will definitely know

Your first question might be simple: Will they know you’re high? Probably yes. Remember that dentists are not just mechanics who have to work on teeth. They are medical professionals and know what the normal heart rate should be and how much saliva is normally secreted in a person.

In weed subreddits such as r/trees, where there is a lot of discussion about going to the dentist, a common story is that the hygienists knew what was going on because the patient’s mouth was dry and the saliva was thick and sticky. Or in cases where they were initially unaware of cannabis use, they still thought something was wrong. “They were very concerned about my saliva,” says one Reddit user, “and I couldn’t just tell them I was high and not worry haha.”

By the way, that ADA report? It wasn’t just that half the dentists noticed someone was high. The factual finding is that 56% of dentists said they had to limit care, i.e. deny someone or provide less or different care than they intended because that person was high.

Cannabis may affect anesthesia and other treatments

The American Dental Association “suggests that patients refrain from using marijuana before visiting the dentist,” as they mildly put it in their report on the subject. This is not just hypocrisy; There are several ways in which weeds can interfere with treatment.

One of them is anesthesia. As a general rule, you should always tell your anesthesiologist about recreational drugs you use , even if you weren’t high at the appointment. They don’t ask because they want to get you into trouble, they ask because your history of drug use can affect how your body reacts to the drugs they give you. For example, cannabis users often require higher doses of anesthetics.

Even if it seems that a visit to the dentist is less important than a full-fledged hospital operation, the rule still applies. Dentists may suggest local anesthetics or sedatives such as nitrous oxide. In the ADA survey, 46% said they had to increase anesthesia doses for patients who used cannabis.

Cannabis also affects some of your bodily functions. In addition to dry mouth, as we mentioned, it can also increase your heart rate and make it more risky for your dentist to use treatments that include adrenaline or alcohol.

In addition, there is a legal and ethical problem associated with the fact that you come to a medical procedure, not being able to make sober decisions on your own. The ADA points out that if you’re going to give your dentist the go-ahead for something irreversible, like pulling a tooth, you really can’t be considered “informed consent” if you’re under the influence of reason. – changing substances.

The herb may not even have the intended effect.

Okay, so you’ve thought it all through and maybe even got your dentist to let you show up high (if you have a very laid-back dentist). Will this be the experience you’re hoping for? Probably no. “Marijuana can lead to increased anxiety, paranoia, and hyperactivity, which can make the visit more stressful,” the ADA notes.

In these Reddit discussions, some people report good experiences. “The brushing and the water they use to rinse their mouths is amazing for some reason,” says one Reddit user.

But there are dozens of anecdotes with the opposite result. One Reddit user says : “I used to go to the dentist all the time while high. But I found two problems: novocaine or whatever they used was less effective, and my teeth hurt a lot more if they did anything other than brushing. A needle in the gums also causes more pain.”

“Don’t go to the dentist high,” another post was captioned. “It was even more painful and I felt like I was on a UFO. The aliens were experimenting in my mouth.”


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