Can Prevent Your Cat From Scratching Your Furniture

Cats are cute pets, their antics are funny and deeply memorable, but they can also be real jerks when they want to be. Scratching furniture is one of the things our feline friends often have a particularly annoying propensity for, and it may not surprise you to know that there is no foolproof way to stop them from scratching completely. The good news is that you can definitely minimize the damage and encourage less destructive behavior.

Give your cat an alternative

The first thing to do if your cat scratches furniture is to give her an alternative that she likes better. Cats will often choose something they like better than your couch if it’s offered to you, so pay attention to their scratching preferences to find out what might attract them. If they tend to scratch up and down, it makes sense to get a vertical scratching post. If they tend to choose carpet, a rug-shaped scraper is more appropriate. Some cats will do both, in which case a scratching post with multiple sides or levels is best.

Place your scraper strategically

Just getting a scratching post isn’t necessarily enough – you should put it where cats like to hang out. Cats tend to scratch to stretch, relieve stress, and leave their scent behind. If they have a favorite window sill or a place where they can nap, placing the scratching post in what they already consider “their” territory will help draw them to the toy rather than the furniture. Making sure the scratching post is stable and easy for the cat to reach is also a requirement for a successful transition from home demolition.

Use chemical persuasion

If your cat needs more persuasiveness, use catnip ( sprayed or dried leaves ) to redirect a cat that wants to rip the chair apart. The smell will attract them, and the catnip itself can help them feel calmer, which will encourage them to scratch. Silvervine is another way to attract and calm your cat while stimulating a playful response. The most comfortable conditions for a cat with a new scratching post will bring the best results.

Don’t punish your cat

As you can understand from your own experience, cats do not respond to punishment. They often do not associate commands, shouts, or noises with the act of scratching. On the contrary, it can make them more anxious, and anxious cats may scratch more, causing a race to the bottom.

Use the barrier

You can keep cats from scratching by using strategically placed blankets, towels, or other cloth draped over their favorite scratching spot. Some cats give up and move on to something else when they realize it’s too difficult to get to their usual spot, or if the surface they’re used to suddenly becomes too soft. (This may save problem areas, but won’t work with promiscuous shredders.)

Dull these nails

For cats who are seemingly determined to rip through all the exposed fabric they can access, nail caps can help you save at least some of your furniture. These are slippery caps that fit over your cat’s natural claws, sort of like human artificial claws, blunting their tips and preventing them from doing too much damage. You may already be laughing at the idea of ​​making your cat sit still long enough to put on false claws, so I’ll point out that this solution isn’t for everyone.

Do not remove your cat’s claws

Sometimes it makes sense to just donate a piece of furniture for the greater good, allowing the cat to unleash all its destructive energy in one place. Many cats begin to scratch less as they age, or are slowly coaxed out of furniture with a scratching post that they can actually fall in love with. But whatever you do, don’t remove your cat’s claws. The procedure is painful for your feline companion and has negative consequences for their health in the long run. Cats have learned to scratch, and if you have them, they will end up scratching what you don’t want. It is best to encourage the cat to scratch something better than the sofa.


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