Everything You Need to Do to Clean up After a DIY Project

Anyone who has done any DIY work at their home (or someone else’s) knows that in most cases a project will take longer than you expected, and no matter how small it may seem, it usually ends up pretty tedious. This means that when it comes time to clean up, you are faced with a difficult decision: deal with your tiredness and clean up, or put it off for another day.

And as tempting as it might be to change into work clothes and spend the rest of the day relaxing, your future self will really appreciate it if you took the time to at least do a quick cleanup that day. Luckily, there are a few steps you can take to get the bulk of the work done so it doesn’t hang over your head. Here’s what to do.

How to clean up after a DIY project

We know you’re tired, so we’ll be brief. The purpose of this cleaning is not to spend time in all the nooks and crannies trying to reach Monica Gellar’s level of cleanliness. Instead, it will clear your space and at least allow you to have a safe conversation in your work area. Here’s what to do (in chronological order):

1. Get rid of big things

Remove all large debris from the premises by placing it in or near a trash can, dumpster, pickup vehicle. Make a pile / space for tools or appliances that can be put away. When you’re done in this room, return the equipment to its original place.

2. Collect any metal objects.

If your project involves screws, nails, metal shavings, or other metal debris that you don’t want anyone to step on, use a large magnet to walk across the floor, counters, tables, and any other surface that objects may have landed on. . One of these magnetic brushes would be perfect, so use it if you have one, or see if you could borrow one from a neighbor.

3. Sweep up the remaining debris

Then use the broom and dustpan to sweep up any large pieces of debris left on the floor, countertops, tables, etc., emptying the dustpan into a large (strong) trash bag as you go.

Try to pick up as much as possible from the surfaces: The next step is to vacuum them, and in addition to not straining the vacuum cleaner, it’s probably easier now to sweep as much as possible instead of emptying the container repeatedly. times later.

4. Vacuum the area

Ideally, there won’t be much left on the floor and other surfaces. Use a store-bought vacuum cleaner if you have one (if you don’t have one, a normal vacuum cleaner will do as well) to walk all over the floor at a leisurely pace to make sure you suck up as much as possible. Take out fixtures for corners, counters, joinery, anything that is high, etc.

5. Wipe off the dust

Depending on your DIY project, there may still be some dust left in the area. Take a few microfiber cloths and wipe down everything, including places like ceiling fans, vents, and woodwork where dust can easily hide. Finally, vacuum again to get rid of dust that may have shifted or spread.

6. Final wipe

If after dusting you are happy with how the area looks – at least for now – you can stop there and come back to everything else later. Otherwise, take a clean, damp rag and wipe down any tables or counters using your choice of cleaners (or one of these do-it-yourself methods ). Finally, if you have the energy and it makes sense with the rest of your DIY schedule, mop the floors.


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