How to Get Chocolate Stains Out of Clothes, Carpets and Upholstery

Halloween is fast approaching and we will have even more food-focused holidays after it. From sweets to Santa’s cookies, chocolate will be everywhere for a while, but it doesn’t have to be in your clothes or on your carpet. Stains shouldn’t be a part of your life, although what makes chocolate so good is also what makes it so bad: it’s sticky as hell.

Here’s how to remove chocolate from fabric. Keep in mind that the first step in all these cases is to use a butter knife to remove any hard pieces of chocolate from the stained area.

Remove chocolate from clothes

As we told you earlier , to remove chocolate from normal clothing, you must soak the stain completely with Shout and then rub the wet area against yourself to make sure the spray really works. Rinse the stain tightly under cold running water, periodically rubbing it against yourself under water.

Molly Maid suggests turning the damaged item inside out and rinsing the back of the stained part with cold water to loosen the stain, then lathering the stain with stain remover, detergent, or even a little dishwashing detergent before soaking it in cold water for 10 minutes. at least 30 minutes. You may need to repeat soaping and soaking more than once to see results, but eventually you can end up throwing your clothes in the washing machine. Do not put it in the dryer until the stain is completely gone.

Molly Maid also recommends fixing old stains with heavy cream and letting them soak in for half an hour. The fat in the cream helps separate the fatty part of the chocolate from the tissue.

How to remove chocolate from carpet

If your stain is left on the carpet, you won’t be able to turn the fabric inside out like a shirt, so you’ll need to try something else to remove the residue. Spruce recommends dampening a clean cloth with water and a drop of dish soap, then blotting the stained area from the outside to the inside. Try not to stain areas that don’t have chocolate so that the stain doesn’t spread, and leave the soap on for at least five minutes.

Then take a clean cloth, dampen it with water, and dab the soap until it disappears. Air dry the area and then vacuum the dry carpet to loosen the fibers again.

According to Tidy Life , it’s important to only use cold water here and not to rub the carpet, especially not too hard. If the stain isn’t too bad, you can also use rubbing alcohol instead of dish soap to remove the stain.

How to get chocolate out of upholstery

What’s the fun in eating chocolate if you can’t snack on it while you relax and watch TV? Your sofa may be collateral damage, but the stain still needs to be removed. Upholstery is different than clothing or carpet because it’s thick and usually covers some padding, so your approach here will be a bit different than above.

According to Tina the Maid , you should mix one cup of warm water with a teaspoon of detergent and pour it directly onto the stain. Again, try to prevent it from spreading to uninfected areas. Then rub the stain from the outside to the middle, but move in the direction of the fibers of the fiber. Cover the wet area with paper towels and place something heavy, like a book, on top for at least 10 minutes. When you remove the paper towels, you can use the detergent method again if the stain is still there. Once it is gone, you will need to repeat the paper towel process.


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