12 Fruit Trees You Can Actually Grow Indoors

When we think of agriculture or gardening , we think of nature. If you want to squeeze a fresh orange or lemon in the morning, you will eventually need a certain amount of open space for these trees.

Except sometimes you don’t. A wide variety of fruit trees actually grow well indoors, which means you can combine the decorative beauty of houseplants with the practical benefit of reaching out wherever you sit and snacking on delicious and healthy food. There are two things to keep in mind if this sounds like your next indoor growing project: First, in almost every case you should be looking for the “dwarf” fruit varieties you are targeting as they don’t require space. required by their full-sized cousins. Secondly, buying a mature tree and transplanting it into your home will always increase your chances of getting viable fruit. Planting from seed may work, but it usually takes longer to produce less.

That being said, here is your best bet when it comes to growing fruit trees inside.


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