What You Need to Know About Decorating With Nude Art

Nudity is so oddly controversial that it has been controversial to varying degrees for centuries. It has also been of great importance in art and self-expression for an equally long time, as evidenced by most of the world’s most famous and priceless old statues on public display. In fact, they are not only freeballing – they are completely naked. Their trash is over .

It is one thing to admire these sights in museums and exhibitions, but it is quite another to show such works of art in your home. Is it clumsy? Is it offensive? Is it just weird? Here’s what you need to know before mounting this Mapplethorpe fingerprint.

Nude art is actually quite socially acceptable.

A nude portrait is something you can see in even the most basic art gallery, so you shouldn’t worry that your interest in showing a little nude art in your own home is perverted or weird – or even that other people will think it is. . Even Instagram , infamous for its sharp attacks on ass and female nipples, makes allowances for its otherwise strict policy against nudity in art: “For various reasons, we don’t allow nudity on Instagram. This includes photos, videos, and some digitally generated content that shows intercourse, genitals, and close-ups of fully exposed buttocks. Photos of women’s nipples are also included, but photos of mastectomy scars and women who are actively breastfeeding are allowed. Nude photographs of paintings and sculptures are also acceptable .”

That even the most puritanical and button-down social media sites give the green light to the representation of nude art should give you an idea of ​​just how acceptable such paintings and sculptures are in general. For the most part, they are not inherently offensive, but you do need to use your judgment on your own artwork. There is a difference, at least subtextual and cultural, between The Birth of Venus and an old Playboy front poster. You are definitely allowed to display any of these in your private residence, but they mean different things.

How to make it tasteful

According to the Art Provocateur , decorating the nude is not so different from decorating any other kind of painting, sculpture, or work: “The aim and focus is to arrange objects in an order of structure and color that is pleasing and attractive. . When choosing nude artwork to decorate, you need to be mindful of the color and tone they are looking for in their surroundings.”

What does this mean for you? Just no nudity for the sake of nudity. Guests entering your home for the first time may be amused by some nonsense, but you shouldn’t decorate solely for the sake of shock. Rather, if you have a piece that you really like, try to combine other elements of the room with a color scheme or atmosphere. Conversely, if your room is fully decked out and painted but you want to add some nudity, look for work that matches your existing flow. Putting a statue in a birthday suit on a coffee table won’t do much unless it looks good in the room as a whole.

When to hide goods

Think about your audience before someone comes along. If your conservative aunt is on her way, or you’re inviting the parents of one of your kid’s friends on a first date, try to decide if they want to see some granite dongs or if this kind of art sends a message that you’re interested in sending. In some cases, hiding it does not hurt.

In other cases, however, you really should hide it no matter what. According to apartment therapy , you must hide anything that might be offensive when you are trying to sell your home. Your ample bust may be rare, expensive, and upscale, but if it’s going to scare off someone who was about to throw a ton of money at your house, it’s not worth it. Whether they accept your artistic choice or not is irrelevant when you’re trying to convince them to buy your home.


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