You Can Vent Your Rage in Healthy and Productive Ways.

There is no single right way to respond to anger, but there are definitely wrong ways. Sarcasm, passive aggression, outright aggression—there are healthier ways to let off steam.

Anger doesn’t just go away, but that doesn’t mean you have to give in to it in an unbridled rage. When you are struggling with feelings of anger (whether repressed or not), it is helpful to have coping strategies ready. Otherwise, you risk lashing out in an unhealthy way, potentially hurting yourself and those around you. Here are ideas for various healthy ways you can channel your aggression and unleash your rage.

Move as you can

Whether it’s sprinting, boxing, or punching a wall, if there’s one proven image of someone redirecting their rage, it’s intense training.

We’ve known for a long time that exercise relieves stress , no matter your skill level. You don’t have to sign up for boxing classes (although they can be helpful). Find free workout videos online or do some sprints in your block. If you have a yard, throw the ball at the wall. It may seem silly, but allowing yourself to yell or grunt during your workout will help you get out of your anger zone.

Visualize your disappointment

Got an infuriating email from your boss? Print it out and then tear it to shreds. If you feel like you don’t have a physical outlet for your anger, make one yourself.

You can also write down all your angry thoughts on paper and then dispose of them however you see fit, whether by scribbling them down, sending them to the grinder, or tossing them (safely!) into the fire. Hell, if you have a safe place to do this, try smashing some old junk to smithereens. The main thing here is to remember how you visually represent not only your anger, but the fact that you are releasing it.

Channel your anger into creativity

You can also release your anger through more soothing and thoughtful outlets. If running around your block and tearing up scraps of paper only fuels your rage, here are a few ideas to channel it in a more controlled way:

  • Sing. If you can, singing in the privacy of your car is ideal.
  • Draw or paint. You don’t have to be an artist to experience the benefits of splattering paint on paper. It’s about letting go, not about making something that mom can hang on the fridge.
  • Journal . Don’t feel compelled to express your anger—even just writing a stream of consciousness note on your phone can help calm you down.
  • Listen to music. Find calming, uplifting music that will distract you and bring you some peace.
  • Try yoga. Deep breathing and focusing your mind and body will make you come to terms with your anger without letting the anger control you.

Talk to someone you trust

As with any strong emotional reaction, holding it in is likely to backfire. Consider reaching out to a close friend or loved one about your anger. Assess if your answer matches the problem. A little perspective can help dispel your emotions and help you calm down.

Going forward, try documenting times when you feel angry to identify patterns in what annoys you. Are you always angry at the same person? Are there certain behaviors or situations that simply grind down your gears? Understanding this can help you prepare, deal with feelings of anger, or avoid it in the future.


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