Your Hot Oatmeal Needs Frozen Berries

Weekday breakfasts must meet three basic criteria to be considered “good”. They should be easy and quick to make, satisfying enough to last until dinner, and tasty enough that you don’t start your day off on a depressing note. Oatmeal brings in the first two, but it usually takes a little help to get into the third. This is where add-ons come into chat.

Sugar, honey, nuts, chocolate chips, and fruits of all kinds are just a few of the common additions you can find in a bowl of oatmeal, but frozen fruit is one addition that does double duty. According to this smart Reddit user , frozen fruit has a slight advantage over fresh produce, at least in terms of organizing morning time:

Add frozen berries to hot oatmeal to thaw the berries and cool the oatmeal to edible temperature at the same time.

That’s all. I like doing this as I have a pretty quick morning route and don’t want to wait for the oatmeal to cool naturally. I also love oatmeal and berries. Alternatively, you can add a little less liquid to your oatmeal while cooking and add a few ice cubes at the end to speed up the cooling process.

Milk and cream have similar cooling capabilities, but even refrigerated dairy products cannot cool as quickly and efficiently as frozen ones (it’s just physics). Berries also flavor without diluting, creating a beautiful, bright swirl of concentrated berry juice when you mix them with a beige bowl of porridge.

My only change to this move is that I make sure to add something sweet—a little sugar, honey, or maple syrup—just to help the berries reach their full potential. Frozen berries tend to be quite tart, and a little sugar will help ensure your plate of oatmeal meets all three criteria for a weekday breakfast.


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