12 Outdated Fashion Rules You Shouldn’t Follow Anymore

I am a fashionable person. My parents taught me how to put on trousers before leaving the house, but that was where my tailoring education ended. For most of my adult life, I was mired in fashion confusion, unable to follow the rules governing when and where I was allowed to dress a certain way.

I now realize that much of this confusion was due to the fact that the “rules” mentioned were arbitrary and suffocating. In addition, people much cooler than me seemed to be able to break the rules with impunity, wear things that were considered “wrong”, and not only get away with it, but also look spectacular at the same time .

As it turns out, a joke on all of us, because most of the once unbreakable rules of fashion have long been rejected by the cool and trendy; those of us who are less cool and unfashionable just get a memo. Here are some old school fashion “rules” that you guys don’t have to follow anymore.


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