The Best Ways to Take Notes so You Really Remember Information

It is very important to take notes in class and in meetings. You want to be able to review what was said, remember it, and use it in the future, whether on tests or in your work. Sounds simple, but can be quite difficult. Think about how many times you’ve skimmed through your notes only to find them filled with incomprehensible nonsense scribbled in the margins and a bunch of completely unrelated ideas that probably made sense when you wrote them. However, you can learn to take better notes, and there are a number of proven methods you can try. Find one that works for you.

sketch method

This is recommended by the University of Tennessee at Chattanooga and includes dashes or indentation in parts of your notes. This is best suited for activities that do not involve science or math. Here’s what you need to know:

  • The most general information should be aligned along the left side of your sheet, with more specific groups of facts indented at the bottom.
  • Relationships between general information and specific facts are made clear with indentation rather than numbers, letters, or Roman numerals.

When you are listening in a class or meeting, pay attention to the general ideas. Write them down along the left side of the paper, leaving space at the bottom for supporting and supporting facts. Go back and add details under the general headings, moving them a bit to the right.

With left-alignment and padding, you’ll be able to skim through the main points before diving into the details below. The main downside here is that you will have to think more in class or in a meeting as you analyze what you hear and highlight the main themes. As a result, UTC warns, “this system cannot be used if the lecture is too fast.”

Cornell method

This one is also recommended by UTC and includes a systematic format to compress and organize your notes without having to copy them again. You will need to leave space along the left side of the paper, so mark about two inches on the left and leave about six inches on the right for your notes. During the meeting, write down the information in this six-inch space as you hear it. After the lesson or at the end of the meeting, review what you wrote down and complete any missing phrases or add additional information that you did not have time to insert. To the best of your ability, sort the information into relevant topics, separating key ideas with a few blank lines.

Finally, return to this two-inch section. Use it to tag these groups of notes with a cue or general idea. You should be able to close the six-inch section, look at the clues on the left, and remember what information is hidden on the right.

Display method

Another strategy recommended by UTC, this note-taking method is more like a graphical representation of the content you are learning. You will write the key topic in the middle of the sheet and then draw branches from it. So if, for example, you are studying world history, you can write “World War II” in the center of the sheet, and then separate “causes”, “countries involved” and “lasting effects” from it. You then expand your first set of branches so that “countries” develop two new branches: the Allied Powers and the Axis Powers.

You won’t go into too much detail and it will look pretty messy by the time you’re done, but if you’re into visual and active learning, this is a great option for you. It’s hard to know ahead of time how much space you’ll need, so don’t be afraid to redo the map more neatly when your meeting is over.

Graphing method

It comes from Grammarly and is best used when you’re dealing with multiple topics – use it to compare two ideas or break an idea into multiple parts like pros and cons.

Divide the page into two (or more) columns and head each column to match what you hear, whether it’s a comparison or a breakdown. Whenever you hear a relevant fact related to one of your labels, put it in the appropriate column.

SQ4R method

Grammarly is also recommended, it’s only for when you’re reading but can really help you remember what you’ve read so you can participate in meetings or classes later. The abbreviation stands for:

  • Polling: Spend three to five minutes skimming what you have read, writing down main headings, subheadings, topics, and paragraphs (as in the recitation method).
  • Question s: Write down any questions you have about the content after a brief study.
  • Read: Actually read the text, step by step, and follow the answers to the questions you just wrote down.
  • Review: After each piece of text, write down the main ideas, key words and concepts, and any answers to your questions.
  • Connection: Consider if you can relate to something you just read personally, or if it reminds you of something in your life that will help you remember it.
  • Review: Reread your notes when you’re done, this will help you remember what you wrote down.

Other things to keep in mind

When you’re done taking notes, no matter which method you’ve used, add some information to the top margin, such as the date and any key concepts, so that when you review your notes later, it’s easier for you to find the relevant pages. Don’t let your notes completely distract you from the conversation going on around you – listening to the speaker or your group is more important than writing everything down perfectly, and you will retain more information if you actively participate in any outcome. discussion.


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