How to Know If Your Child Really Needs Braces

Braces are a common thing for children, and chances are your child’s dentist will suggest that you consult an orthodontist at some point. (The American Association of Orthodontists suggests doing this before age 7.) But does your child really need braces?

Often by the time you get to the orthodontist’s office, the orthodontist will assume you’ve come because you’re already interested in getting braces. The conversation may come from this assumption, so if you want to know if your child needs braces, be sure to say in advance that this is your main question.

You can also start this conversation with a regular dentist, as they will be familiar with your child’s teeth and will be able to give you good advice on what you can learn from an orthodontist’s consultation. Here are some questions to ask one or both of these professionals:

Ask about how teeth function, not just how they look

Braces and other orthodontic treatments may be done for functional reasons, such as making sure your child’s teeth don’t get in the way of chewing food or speaking clearly. And they can be made for cosmetic reasons, mainly to make the teeth look prettier. These interests often overlap, and teeth straightening serves both purposes. Therefore, if you are not concerned about the appearance of your child’s teeth, you need to clarify that you are asking if there are health or functionality issues.

Ask about pros and cons

This question is not limited to braces; this should be your guiding principle in any discussion with your health care provider. When planning treatment, ask:

  • What are the benefits of this?
  • What are the disadvantages?
  • What happens if we don’t?
  • What are the alternatives?

If the answer to the question “what if he doesn’t get braces?” “Maybe his teeth will be a little crooked” then you can make your own judgment based on how crooked they are and how you and your child feel about it. On the other hand, if the answer is that your child may have trouble breathing or swallowing, that may be a more valid reason to get braces.

Ask for results

I mean, don’t just ask to see before and after photos of patients with similar backgrounds, although that can be helpful. Be sure to ask what is the range of possible outcomes from the start of orthodontic treatment and how likely each outcome is. Sometimes braces don’t solve the problem completely (especially if your child doesn’t wear a retainer all the time). And success rates may vary depending on the types of appliances used, your child’s age, and other factors.

Ask about time

Just because you’re in now doesn’t mean it’s your child’s last or only chance to get braces. Some problems may have an optimal age to correct them; some things can get better or worse over time. If you’re unsure whether to move forward, ask if it would make a difference if you wait a year before making a decision. And if you feel like you’re being pressured, or if you’re not sure if you trust everything your orthodontist says, don’t hesitate to seek a second opinion.


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