How to Fix DLC Deletion Error on PS4

You have paid for your DLC, so you should have access to it at all times. Unfortunately, it seems that some PS4 players unexpectedly deleted their DLC and there was no clear solution other than to reinstall it over and over again. However, before resorting to reinstalling games and losing all your save data, you should try this quick fix, a much less drastic approach to the problem.

PS4 DLCs don’t usually fall apart like that. The problem is related to the recent firmware update 10.00 , which itself contains some new features. However, one of the unforeseen consequences has been the removal of the DLC on some PS4 devices, especially when those PS4s use an external hard drive to store this DLC.

While Sony will definitely release a patch when it fixes the issue, you don’t have to wait. Reddit user SegaJAM shared a fix on r/PS4 that saved many in the comments of their DLC and sanity. This is a simple four-step solution to restore DLC after a firmware update.

  1. On the PS4 control panel, hold down the PS button on the controller.
  2. Go to the Sounds/Devices section and select Stop using extended storage . You’ll see a warning that you can disable your external hard drive, but it’s not required, so don’t worry.
  1. Hold down the PS button and select Power > Restart PS4 .
  2. Wait while the PS4 rescans the hard drive.

That’s all! The DLC should reappear for the titles of your external hard drive. Some have suggested in the future unplugging the external hard drive from the PS4 before installing firmware updates. This can help avoid such a problem next time.

However, it’s possible that the firmware update affected the DLC on your internal drive as well, according to at least one of the comments in this Reddit thread. It is not clear if this fix will work in this case.


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